Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , regions which lose out in the early development will see even their initial potential undermined relative to the growth-regions .
2 Kubitsky was bringing his rifle to bear on a target which lay somewhere in the direction of the grove of trees on the river bank to Rostov 's rear , but before he could open fire three more arrows took him in the chest and he fell over backwards without a sound .
3 Theft is covered by the treaty but other offences which crop up in the Guinness case , such as common law conspiracy to rig the market and breaches of the Companies Act , do not .
4 Every few weeks he will have to spend a weekend at home near a telephone on call to handle any emergencies which crop up in the area .
5 There is no way you can dig around major roots and there , therefore , is another situation in which you are forced to rely on the rabbits being bolted , recognising that you can not thereafter kill those which remain behind in the system .
6 The name Mývatn means ‘ midge lake ’ and the principal reason the lake supports a large population of birds and fish is the astronomical numbers of chironomid and simuliid larvae which hatch out in the clear water .
7 Words which appear early in the lists were remembered more easily as the subjects had more opportunity to rehearse these after being read than the rest of the words in the list .
8 Words which appear late in the list are remembered easily when recall is immediate as they are resident in short-term memory which has not had a chance to decay .
9 Early potatoes grow well on light sandy soils which warm quickly in the spring .
10 All are compact devices which fit easily in the pocket ; they are comparatively robust but , since they are radio-type equipment , they must be handled fairly carefully .
11 This increases oxygen to the painful areas and at the same time removes the stagnant toxic wastes such as lactic and carbonic acids which build up in the muscle fibres .
12 The killer was not starvation , but typhus which spread quickly in the overcrowded and insanitary conditions .
13 All of these sciences impinge peripherally on the earth sciences , and in many cases , universities with a high research orientation ranking in these sciences are also those which figure prominently in the earth sciences .
14 It is a site reached by means of a rigorous cliff walk through the pohutukawa trees which figure strongly in the painting .
15 It is also possible to discern rotary motion within the larger ovals , particularly cloud features which circulate clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere .
16 Dozens of such brain-acting peptides are now known to exist , including many closely related to hormones which act elsewhere in the body .
17 The authors conclude that it is more likely that many other factors should also be included in the analysis such as motivation , nicotine dependence , personality type , self-efficacy , therapeutic support , etc , which act together in a complex way and would substantially increase the explained variance of smoking cessation .
18 After all , John Young , who daily straddles a storm of souls , which kick up in the wind like leaves , John Young wears his white coat-but no black boots .
19 There are rumours that most of the sides which face off in the first weekend of post-season action could be absorbed into a new , more important third tier of the Heineken League structure .
20 Dr Tyrrell says the real danger of infection from a sneeze is invisible : ‘ It is not the big blobs of mucus that are the problem , it is the smaller , invisible droplets which hang around in the air for several minutes after a sneeze . ’
21 But caterpillars , most of which banquet out in the open , must look to their defences .
22 It reproduces by releasing single-celled spores which drift off in the sea and grow into new plants .
23 Thus , rules restricting disclosure made under s 48(2) ( g ) and ( h ) might be said to authorise rules which operate only in a regulatory context .
24 which turn up in the window seat .
25 What he has done , he explains , is to combine the belief of his philosophical predecessors that ‘ the things immediately perceived , are ideas which exist only in the mind ’ with the common-sense belief that ‘ those things … [ we ] immediately perceive are the real things ’ ; and these two , put together ‘ do in effect constitute the substance of what I advance ’ .
26 The point seems to be that " knowing or believing " are simple words which do not in the ordinary run of things require an explanation .
27 About a kilometre from our house there was a large field given over exclusively to melons and watermelons , which do well in the Po valley because of the heat .
28 But are the situations which produce discontent in one area substantially different from those which do so in the other ?
29 ‘ Small , white rosebuds , the type which come late in the year . ’
30 The forces of reaction which spring up in the face of change are swift to exaggerate these undesirable elements of the situation and to use the arguments which exploitation provides for repression .
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