Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Education , of course , does not end at the school gates : the home is one of a complex of factors which combine to affect the child 's chances at school .
2 On these pages we review some of the recent commercial successes which combine to form the foundation of our new business .
3 In fact , the total rise reflects two separate increases — the first is the actual rise in new additional funds brought in , while the second comprises the increase in existing funds arising from investment performance — which combine to make the whole .
4 Several genera ( plural of genus ) may be grouped together in a family , several families together in a superfamily , and the superfamilies themselves are clustered into classes , two or more of which combine to make the phylum .
5 So I think there are different perspectives which tend to define the issue differently .
6 However if the glucose is maintained high , in other words if the stimulus is sustained , what we see is a succession of depolarizing spikes , and the reason we see it is because this elevation of free calcium , not only leads to a insulin secretion , it also leads to the opening of calcium activated K channels which tend to hyperpolarize the membrane .
7 ‘ the application of tariff principles requires the sentencer to find the sentence which most accurately reflects the offender 's culpability , a process which involves relating the gravity of the offence to the established pattern of sentences for offences of that kind , and then making allowance for such mitigating factors as may be present which tend to reduce the offender 's culpability .
8 In my view legal process embodies some properties which tend to increase the law 's trustworthiness as a moral guide although not one which simply incorporates the moral consensus of ordinary life with the rules of the polity .
9 Following on from such work it was suggested that drugs which tend to increase the activity of acetylcholine might improve learning and memory .
10 This investigates more fully the nature and scale of the dislocation between trends in the distribution of people and jobs , and examines the barriers which appear to restrict the efficiency of the ‘ matching processes ’ in the labour and housing markets .
11 identify and recommend those whole school strategies which appear to enhance the confidence and achievement of pupils
12 The resolution made clear that the Commission ‘ also expresses its grave concern that there are continuing threats to the life of a citizen of another state which appear to have the support of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and whose care is mention in the report of the special representative ’ .
13 Reviewing the literature of the 1960s , we find a number of schools which appear to challenge the Morgenthau paradigm because they use different concepts .
14 Students are selected to take part in the four regional finals which involve preparing the menu in cook-offs , and from each regional final a student team is selected for the grand final .
15 The former can easily be caricatured as humourless puritans who object to games which involve guessing the number of beans in a jar at the church fete .
16 She says they use a variety of excuses — most of which involve keeping the victim talking at the door .
17 and Na + -HCO 3 - co-transport , both of which act to alkalinise the cell .
18 Simultaneously , there is downregulation of the basolateral transport systems which act to alkalinise the cell : Na + -HCO 3 - co-transport and , possibly , Na + /H + exchange ( although this has been disputed ) .
19 Derived from policies which seek to preserve the landscape qualities of the English countryside , such estates have more often contributed to its deterioration .
20 When functionalists attempt to explain systems of social stratification , they set their explanations in the framework of larger theories which seek to explain the operation of society as a whole .
21 It is vitally important , if we are to improve the mathematical attainment of our society , that the educational purposes of formative and diagnostic assessment , which seek to improve the teaching , take precedence over the monitoring and evaluative purposes , which at best merely seek to describe .
22 Gen. Vladimir Kryuchkov , the KGB chairman , made an unscheduled nationwide television broadcast on Dec. 11 in which he pledged that KGB troops would do their utmost to prevent the Soviet Union 's collapse by continuing to " act as a barrier against those forces which seek to push the country towards chaos " .
23 During the year , the Enterprise Centre has worked with other Departments/ Units to pioneer two innovative elective modules , which seek to address the development of students ' enterprise skills in new settings .
24 There are , however , a number of provisions contained in TA 1988 , Part XV ( ss660-689 ) which seek to tax the income arising from the trust property upon the settlor , even though he may have attempted to alienate that income for tax purposes .
25 In order to ensure uniformity in all the member states , it must be recognised that the concept of ‘ matters relating to tort , delict and quasi-delict ’ covers all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
26 It must therefore be stated in reply to the first part of the second question that the term ‘ matters relating to tort , delict or quasi-delict ’ within the meaning of article 5(3) of the Convention must be regarded as an independent concept covering all actions which seek to establish the liability of a defendant and which are not related to a ‘ contract ’ within the meaning of article 5(1) .
27 Studies of cognition which seek to elucidate the nature or that cultural order which we might impose upon or recognize in the world may well be concerned with the classification of objects , but they generally fail to acknowledge , let alone address , the difference between artefacts such as cutlery which already incorporate categorization in their manufac-turer , and objects such as trees which do not ( e.g. Rosch 1978 : 30–5 ) .
28 It can also help to raise your awareness of new research and any political influences or undercurrents which stand to affect the way services are managed .
29 Yet these are feelings which seem to contradict the universalist , rational aspirations of liberalism .
30 The kinship school , however , tends to have two kinds of reservation about studies which seem to demonstrate the success of adoption .
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