Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] out in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This was a key issue which came out in a consultation exercise we held when we published our interim report on practical training in 1991 . ’
2 Of A God and His Gifts ( which came out in the autumn of 1963 ) Elizabeth wrote :
3 The facts , which spilled out in no particular order , revealed the flip side of the fairytale .
4 The defendant was held liable , for the fire which did the damage was not that which broke out in the carburettor but that which spread to the car and this second or continuing fire did not ‘ accidentally ’ begin .
5 The authorities claimed that the Feb. 21 fighting , which broke out in the south of N'Djamena , the capital , had started when " armed men in military uniform " attacked a police station .
6 Disturbances which broke out in the north-eastern city of Mashad on May 30 continued for several days , bringing the city to a standstill .
7 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
8 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
9 The constitution contained federal and unitary elements and yet it was the centralising elements which won out in the end .
10 I thought if I was a little bit fitter , fresher and stronger I would be able to do a better job — which is what turned out in the end . ’
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