Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Majority opinion in the ILP was best expressed in the resolution moved on behalf of the Rugby Branch , which argued for continued affiliation on the basis of a satisfactory revision of Parliamentary Standing Orders .
2 Intercity buses in the United States carry 375 million passengers a year across more than a billion miles — quite a legacy from the first US bus service which operated on Long Island in 1899 .
3 " Land and Liberty " became the name of an amorphous political movement which operated in various parts of the Russian Empire between 1861 and 1863 and strove to convert the radicalism engendered by the emancipation into action .
4 The coal companies that won the contracts to operate in the Dukeries were experienced in the organization of large workforces which operated in difficult conditions and were potentially prone to industrial unrest .
5 also relied on the reluctance of Viscount Simonds expressed in In re ‘ Wonderland , ’ Cleethorpes [ 1965 ] A.C. 58 , 70–71 , to construe an ambiguity in a statute in a manner which derogated from common law rights .
6 Polls in most states open today at 6am local time , which translated into British time means 11am for New York and 2pm for California .
7 So United States courts have declared invalid service which met the requirements of state law or of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure but which did not meet the terms of the convention and a Netherlands court has refused to grant exequatur to a Belgian judgment granted after service which complied with Belgian law but not the convention 's requirements .
8 When Laura came to stay , and swept into church in an Easter bonnet of her own devising which quivered with artificial lilac , and laughed out loud at a tiny joke in Peter 's sermon , to encourage him , one of the churchwardens wrote to the Bishop .
9 First , in many cases the previous foreign owners of those companies which passed into local ownership , either private or state , were invited to continue as managers for which they received a management fee .
10 Muscle strips were maintained under a tension of 3 g , which produced near optimal contraction and experiments were commenced after a stabilisation period of two hours , which was found necessary in preliminary studies to ensure consistent muscle performance .
11 This study formed part of the 1985 GHS and informal carers were identified using two screening questions , which asked about extra family responsibilities resulting from looking after someone who was sick , elderly or handicapped in their own household ( co-resident caring ) or another household ( non-resident caring ) ( see Table 8.3 ) .
12 Members of the Pre-School playgroups Association ( PPA ) in Wales ( which became in independent association in 1987 ) are so convinced of each family 's right to choice of provision for their children that they have taken positive steps to make this possible .
13 When the Prince of Asturias put a candle in his window to start a riot against his father , he called into existence a process which led through constitutional monarchy to a democratic republic .
14 29 patients who had CTs at local hospitals had to be re-examined by CT ( 25 ) or ultrasonography ( 4 ) at the National Radium Hospital , which led to major alteration of management in 4 .
15 This was one cause of the severe financial problems of the railways in later years which led to increasing state intervention even before nationalization .
16 Excellent Adventure went belly-up in auditoriums but was reanimated in a healthy video afterlife which led to Bogus Journey , the some-would-say superior sequel achieving respectable box office figures .
17 He suggested that one of the main factors which led to unsafe conditions was cost .
18 That includes striker Tony Cottee , who would have played against Manchester City but for an outburst reported in all the Saturday papers which led to disciplinary action .
19 The results formed a report which was out within a month , and which led to far-reaching changes in our company 's approach to the problem .
20 But recurrent harvest failures , the most notorious of which led to devastating famine in 1891 , imposed severe hardship on many .
21 In April the government landed troops in the north of Bougainville , which led to increased clashes with the BRA .
22 Those who seek to interpret this increase as a reflection of rapid social change which led to increased lawlessness must still consider the changes in administrative arrangements and popular attitudes which may have distorted the relationship between the reported and ‘ real ’ rates of crime .
23 ‘ We did not wish to create conditions which led to possible violence . ’
24 The introduction of a financial quota system inevitably placed unprecedented responsibilities on most branches and student groups to make tangible contributions to support their activities , and those of the District , which led to predictable objections from some branches and to genuine difficulty in meeting the allocated quotas in a few instances .
25 The so-called " Son of Sam law " , which was passed in 1977 and which led to similar legislation in 34 other US states , was unanimously adjudged to contravene the country 's constitutional guarantee of freedom of free speech .
26 It is the first time the Service has explained its stand in the dispute , which led to serious disturbances among loyalist inmates in the Maze .
27 There was a failure to invest , an inability to sustain science which led to renewed talk of a ‘ brain drain' of British scientists to American and other campuses , an inherent suspicion and division which prevented effective collaboration in industry .
28 Nonetheless , rapid economic development , which led to real income per head tripling during the 1960s and quintupling again during the 1970s , strengthened private economic interests .
29 The building societies are not without blame , due to their lending policies during the 1980s which led to individual circumstances not being properly taken into account .
30 One way out of this dilemma was to adopt conventions which led to definite formulae without worrying too much about how close they were to nature ; and this was proposed by the French chemist Charles Gerhardt in the middle of the century .
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