Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of its success — the book quickly sold out its first edition of 60,000 — Laura dreaded the thought of another book which failed to represent the company as she saw it .
2 There were two appeals against the verdict , which failed to reverse the decision and in the early winter of 1961 a court receiver auctioned the assets of Highlander .
3 Emma Nicholson 's Private Member 's Bill against hackers , which failed to make the grade in the last session of Parliament , required anyone who entered a computer to his or anyone else 's advantage , or to another 's prejudice , to be charged with a serious offence , with a maximum penalty of 10 years .
4 In the Palaeozoic rocks there were other stalked filter-feeding echinoderms , which failed to survive the crisis at the end of the Permian , weathered by the crinoids .
5 Lance Owen of Kingston took care of the service ( £174.25 ) and secured the exhaust , but its only attempt to cure the creak was to adjust the power steering belt , which failed to solve the problem .
6 Spokeswoman Captain Marcella Adams said the base , which planned to hold the event on May 29 and 30 , would normally have heard by now .
7 The main buyers were those plants which planned to delay the introduction of desulphurizing " scrubber " equipment .
8 The problem facing the Indian Board , which met to discuss the crisis earlier this week , is who to name as a replacement .
9 Belpan 's tax base was less than that of a medium-sized European market town , which made running the country a financial nightmare .
10 In 1983 Mr St John Stevas promoted a private member 's bill , The National Audit Bill , which sought to give the Comptroller and Auditor General access to the accounts of nationalized industries so that his staff could investigate them as they do the accounts of government departments .
11 The Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 , which sought to implement the Law Commission proposals , did not , therefore , eliminate the distinctions between conditions and warranties and innominate terms .
12 This view was endorsed in the School Management Task Force report ( DES 1990f ) , and by 1991 Leeds LEA had a policy and programme for management training ( Leeds City Council 1991 a ) which sought to address the management needs of all staff — heads , deputies , staff tutors , INSET coordinators , curriculum coordinators and probationers .
13 Big Flame was based on the Italian revolutionary group Lutte Continua ( the struggle goes on ) , which sought to combine the autonomist belief in a loose network of Right-On groups with a separate political party which would guide them all .
14 On Aug. 23 the Minister of Home Affairs , S. B. Chavan , presented a bill to the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) which sought to prohibit the conversion of any place of worship that existed at the time of India 's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 .
15 He eventually capitalized on his knowledge of Europe by publishing in 1796 both a set of five maps of the Rhine , Meuse , and Scheldt and a survey entitled A Developement of the Views and Designs of the French Nation , which sought to warn the English of certain French activities .
16 For example , Lord Crowther-Hunt considers that the Queen would be perfectly " justified " in withholding her consent from a bill which sought to abolish the House of Lords even if the government proposing this had secured a mandate through the manifesto set before the people at a general election .
17 The late 1960s and early 1970s saw a plethora of government sponsored reports which sought to influence the way in which local authorities were organised and the services that they provided .
18 In late Victorian Britain , the law-makers were gripped by a clean-up fervour , not unlike what is happening today , which sought to make the country safe for women , children and the family .
19 The " no " voters rejected by 53 to 45 per cent the " yes " platform of proposals of Governor Rafael Hernández Colón and his ruling Popular Democratic Party ( PPD ) which sought to maintain the Island 's autonomy .
20 According to defence analysts the US offer signalled cuts deeper than those required by the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ( START ) ( signed in July 1991 ) which sought to reduce the number of " accountable " warheads held by the USA and the Soviet Union to 6,000 each [ see p. 38320 ] .
21 ’ An absentee also included anyone who was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine for a place outside Palestine before 1 September 1948 , or for a place in Palestine held at the time by forces which sought to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel or which fought against it after its establishment . ’
22 In 1986 the Shops bill , which sought to remove the prohibition , failed to be enacted .
23 It should be noted that the title " Mufti of the capital " is a possible description of all the later Muftis , since alter Fahreddin Acemi 's death — which occurred alter the conquest of Constantinople — all the Muftis were in fact Mufti of Istanbul .
24 Most ancient silver was extracted from argentiferous ( silver-rich ) lead by cupellation , a process dating back to at least the second millennium BC , which involved oxidising the lead to molten litharge ( lead oxide ) , leaving the relatively unreactive silver as the metal .
25 It was the threatened industrial conflict of 1926 , the General Strike , which promised to resolve the matter , one way or another .
26 At various times in the past a ‘ younger generation ’ has vigorously asserted its claims to cultural and political leadership ; a notable recent example , which helped to reawaken the interest of social scientists in the problem of generations , being the youth movements ( especially the student movement ) and ‘ youth culture ’ of the 1960s , which had , for a time at least , and perhaps in a more enduring way , a considerable impact upon cultural and political life in the industrial countries .
27 But the economic trends which helped created the baby boom have subsequently ensured that it would have no successors , by drawing married women permanently into the work-force .
28 Only H. W. Taylor was married or over 30 , and Viljoen 's diary suggests a vigorous special existence between Tests — which may have contributed to the welter of dropped catches which helped sway the issue .
29 There were other more prosaic influences which helped to mould the crucible as well as Green 's life .
30 This article inaugurated Rothermere 's massive press campaign which helped to thrust the BUF from comparative obscurity into the limelight .
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