Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1983 the DHSS issued the ‘ Care in the Community ’ circular which sought to bring about the transfer of long-stay hospital patients into the community : this would allow the closure of long-stay wards and hospitals .
2 The Conservative governments elected in 1979 , 1983 and 1987 instigated a range of policies which sought to reduce further the overall level of expenditure .
3 The Minister is condemned by his own words and by his original statutory instrument which sought to remove entirely the words ’ supplementary benefit ’ from the regulation .
4 An archaeologist who has transformed the way people think about his area of study ; a communicator who can make an enthralling TV programme ; a lover of contemporary art who has persuaded the Fellows of his Cambridge college at least to tolerate biannual sculpture shows ( one of which involved digging up the hallowed lawns ) ; and now , since his peerage which gives him the forum of Britain 's Upper House , a politician , with strong views on how to preserve the world 's history as encapsulated in its archaeology : Colin Renfrew at fifty-five has an enviable career and range of interests .
5 The other major difference from the straightforward version is that the variable LR now stores a list of all rules which helped to set up the current state .
6 In INDIA , for instance , despite the sterilisation scandals which helped to bring down the Ghandi Administration in 1977 , there are now new reports of widespread sterilisation abuse in Gujerat ( using famine relief as an ‘ incentive ’ ) and Rajasthan ( using promises of employment as an ‘ incentive ’ for tribal women ) .
7 Crime has decreased by 70 per cent since the cameras were installed and a local businessman , Chris Ormerod , managing director of Orrs of Airdrie , and vice-chairman of Airdrie Development Trust , which helped set up the surveillance system , said : ‘ Saturday afternoon trade has improved quite dramatically .
8 Schladming , just to the east , which tried to take on the World Cup commitment , has suffered similarly .
9 Mr Lewis apart , however , the other guests , perhaps through awe , perhaps through a sense of antagonism , kept a wary distance from M. Dupont , a fact that was conspicuous even in that generally guarded atmosphere , and which seemed to underline all the more the feeling that it was M. Dupont who somehow held the key to the outcome of the following days .
10 The noise echoed over the water which seemed to suck up the sound .
11 Barakai commenced a fury of strokes which seemed to beat down the Manchu 's blade .
12 Francis and Richard tend to play slightly ahead of the beat , and although it 's more than likely psychological I always felt that playing fingerstyle meant a sort of delay between playing something and hearing it , which seemed to mess up the impact of the songs .
13 Instead the women 's movement devised its own strict code of appearance which served to speed up the fragmentation of the fashion scene .
14 West Indies lost seven wickets for 43 in a late-afternoon collapse on an excellent pitch , which served to highlight again the middle order shortcomings of a team in transition .
15 He and his members — Messrs. Harold Fishwick , Roy Davies , Alan Henderson ( Captain ) and Alec Stevens ( Vice-Captain ) — dealt with ( 1 ) a substantial building and refurbishing programme , ( 2 ) ways to finance it , which included buying out the bondholders and ( 3 ) Committee eligibility .
16 At 55 he could claim a distinguished record of philanthropic and public service which included setting up the Royal Army Education Corps .
17 First , by drawing a distinction between what it regarded as the natural ( and therefore genuine ) core of religion and the complex of authorities , traditions , institutions and doctrines which went to make up the forms of Christianity , it implied that much , indeed very much of the latter was redundant and could safely be jettisoned .
18 While these various groups which went to make up the hierarchy were mutually interdependent , the basic principle on which society was organized was this formal system of ranking .
19 You will also have heard er in the question earlier about the fact that there are references to budgetary issues both in the minutes of the last Environment Committee and also in the County Council on thirtieth of November which did refer specifically the fire service review and also passenger transport .
20 Its form was dictated by the tightness of the site between Flinders Street and the river , which necessitated stringing out the narrow building along the full length of platforms which ran parallel to the river behind .
21 He remembered the release he had felt when he had first heard the teachings of Akhenaten , which had cut away the rotten trappings of the old beliefs , festooned as they were with the cynical speculation of the priests .
22 This year of 1944 saw the supreme Japanese effort to break the deadlock which had bogged down the Burma front .
23 But I missed the more dramatic sting inflicted on Gloucestershire 's Mark Davies , by a bee which had gone up the trouser leg and reached the left-arm spinner 's more intimate regions .
24 The blast which had flung down the doors at the front had strangely left the windows intact , but when Pat arrived home it was decided that it would be better to leave Julia in the bed in the cellar .
25 Returning to the Maison Caressa at Nice , he persuaded the factory which had turned down the project fifteen years earlier to manufacture " a certain quantity " of 2 kilo cans of crushed tomato according to his own specification .
26 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
27 Was Miss Fergusson comparing the earthquake which had thrown down the village of Arghuri to the great Flood itself ?
28 As she was about to leave the building she exchanged greetings with the portiera who handed her a letter which had arrived earlier the same day .
29 A former member of the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , Sgt. Felix Ndimene , said that he had served in a special forces unit which had carried out the massacre in September 1990 of 26 passengers in a Johannesburg-Soweto train [ see p. 37698 ] , an incident which had provoked weeks of violence in the Johannesburg region between ANC and Inkatha supporters .
30 The agreement by the County Council to transfer St. Peter 's to the minister was not without irony — the Ministry of Health had grown out of the same succession of poor laws which had produced both the institution and , indeed , local government itself .
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