Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun prp] [vb past] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Swod 's name and address had been given to Blanche by a librarian in the Polish Centre in Hammersmith — the one to which Mills had bequeathed a legacy .
2 Among these was an Utrillo which Minton remarked looked a little grubby .
3 Iskandara had changed into black taffeta and her mother 's diamonds and James wore plaid trousers and a velvet jacket and a collar he loathed almost as much as Alexandra loathed the pudding , a high stiffened wing collar around which Murray had tied a bow tie of black grosgrain .
4 The highway stretched pale and deserted in the evening sun , yet this was the very same road on which Sharpe had seen a French corps marching that morning .
5 Although mistrusting children , he showed an absorbed interest as he took the photographs and gazed at Henrietta ( fourteen ) , Samantha ( just ten ) and the baby Jacqueline ( now three and born after a long period during which Hugh had displayed a lack of interest in physical contact ) .
6 A friendship treaty was signed on June 10 with Kirgizstan , to which Russia had offered a 10-year 1,000 million rouble loan in May when earthquakes caused damage worth an estimated 2,500 million roubles .
7 But London disliked the condition , which Schuman had made a non-negotiable basis for talks on his Plan , that all member states must accept the principle of supranational co-operation .
8 The evening sun , shining at the moment through a side window , over which Franca had drawn a curtain , showed up , glowing like stained glass , a pattern of green and blue leaves and red grapes .
9 He did locate the apple orchard from which Liebermann had composed a large picture , and he made a sketch of it .
10 His enemies attacked its vulgar over-simplification , but the lecture did bring near the centre of popular debate many of the problems which Moberly had analysed a decade before .
11 Among the latter was Imelda Marcos whom he had defeated in the election , and who , together with her husband President Ferdinand Marcos , had been forced from office in 1986 by a popular campaign in which Ramos had played a key role .
12 There was , however , a sense in which Gandhi did pose a personal challenge to the British , as distinct from the institutional challenge of organized mass disobedience for which he was responsible .
13 She 'd tacked a few scraps of old cotton into a baby-gown too and sent it round next door for the new Rattrie baby , born very inconveniently , as it turned out , the day after the funeral , her fit of generosity entirely misplaced , since the child had only lived a few hours and the gown — upon which Odette had worked a few hasty stitches of embroidery — had ended up in the pawnshop — Cara had seen it herself in the window — to help pay , she supposed , for yet another infantile disposal .
14 Right : Clarissa wears her own make-up , which Judith updated to give a softer look ( far right ) .
15 Exactly what Reagan said remains a mystery , but the very fact that he did not dismiss the idea out of hand as quite contrary to all his public statements about Iran certainly left those u the meeting in no doubt that he wanted the deal to go ahead .
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