Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] have [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 . Erm we 've had one attempted well one arson attack in the the period which we 've been on the flats .
2 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
3 Neither of those points is true after the years in which we have been in office .
4 I have come to the House this afternoon from a meeting with a representative of the Canadian High Commission , with which we have been in constant touch from the outset of the incident .
5 Their courage in entering into the conflict and their presence of mind in circumstances in which they have been in enormous danger are a great tribute to the individuals themselves and to the institution that sent them .
6 Between 1950 and 1975 the female proportion of the working population rose from 33 per cent ( which it had been since the 1890s ) to over 40 per cent ( Hunt , 1975 ) .
7 This is the detached voice of reason judiciously intervening without allegiances into a debate in which it has been for the most part silent.3 The intervention reinforces the distinction between what Proust 's text does to itself and what de Man does to it , positioning him with the reader at a critical distance from , and therefore in shared judgement of , his own argument .
8 At all stages in the development of armory , and in all the centuries during which it has been in use , there have been two conflicting underlying factors , and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset , so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long .
9 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
10 ‘ Knowing what I 'd been through ?
11 He understands what I have been through … "
12 What she had been after was a specified date and time .
13 Her head was aching a bit too , but then that was not surprising perhaps after what she 'd been through this evening .
14 I said you know what she 's been like with this young girl at college you thought
15 I imagined that , having got what you 've been after all week , you 'd be quite happy to agree … ’
16 She was his servant , whatever she had been in her previous life , and she was ten or more years younger than himself , and what a battered old soldier he was , to be hungering after such a fresh young girl .
17 I LOVE him , I respect him and I honour what he 's been through and what we 've been through together .
18 Frankly , after what we 've been through together that 's nothing short of childish .
19 ‘ I 'm sitting here because I love him and I respect him and I honour what he has been through and what we 've been through together . ’
20 Yes Chairer er I think Vince 's report is a very fair summary of the er the the issues which face us erm truth is , is what we 've been as in this proposed consortium which no doubt will go through with it 's most of the reforms of the N H S despite the er consultation mechanism which they 've gone through you know , but largely these are beforehand given the unaccountable of the N H S management !
21 There are builders , architects , bankers , colleagues , consultants , and coaches ( with whom it is possible to share jokes and moments of relaxation , knowing what we have been through together and may have to face again , at any moment ) to see .
22 What they 'd been over there to a stallion ?
23 He used to sort of let the girls know what they 'd been at .
24 Some of his male colleagues boasted about how they 'd felt with various women , raising an arm to show what they 'd been like .
25 She knew very well what they had been at ; she and Patten had been the same , when they were young .
26 This was a soft seduction of her senses , a sensuous reminder of what they had been to each other and what they had lost .
27 After that , the possibilities for the disturbed were very much what they were to remain until the introduction of the major tranquillisers — and indeed what they had been from Roman times .
28 What they have been in the past , in the face of their grim working lives , is resilient .
29 Knowing what he had been through just added a new dimension to what I saw .
30 She was able to let him go as he was now because she had clarified and confirmed what he had been to her .
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