Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] at first " in BNC.

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1 The bedding which I observed at first hand in 1954 in the peasant community of Pul Eliya was nothing like as grand as the stereotype ; but , apart from some minor differences , it had all the same elements and for the most part they occurred in just the same sequence .
2 The two other officers were staring at me with a curiosity which I had at first thought similar to the curiosity I had found among the soldiers .
3 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
4 It appears that he had a recurring dream in which he was told , " Socrates , be an artist " , a command which he ignored at first , supposing that nothing could be a higher " art " than his own philosophizing , but eventually complied with by writing some poetry while waiting for death in prison .
5 When she was beginning to cry out for him , while he still hovered over her , taunting her with the prospect of even now being denied what she had at first fought against , he demanded her verbal surrender too .
6 I did n't know what she meant at first .
7 I used to smile at the people who stopped me in the street , not knowing what they wanted at first , until I discovered that there were actually beggars in London .
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