Example sentences of "[Wh det] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Yet the documents , which for the second time this decade give Solidarity the right to exist , go much further than either the communist party feared or Solidarity dreamed nine years ago .
2 Barton Lynch , sitting out the qualifying rounds and waiting for the main event , recalled the 1988 Billabong , which for the first time had been held at Pipeline .
3 As he later recorded in his ‘ Lines on an Autumnal Evening ’ , these were the settings in which for the first time ‘ young Poesy/Stared wildly-eager in her noontide dream ’ .
4 She had turned on him again that remarkable glance in which for the first time he had detected to his discomfiture a brief flash of intelligence and of calculation .
5 Outside Westminster Abbey , men and women from all over the country whooped and wept with joy at the decision , which for the first time lets women rise higher than the limited role of deacon .
6 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
7 The arts will have a higher profile in the fourth Conservative term , with David Mellor heading a much enlarged department ( which for the first time is allocated a place in the Cabinet ) , flanked by one junior Minister , Robert Key .
8 Respectable workers were rewarded with the vote , and in 1868 the Royal Commission on Trade Unions recommended the extension of legal protection for trade unions , which was achieved in the Trade Union Act of 1871 which for the first time gave legal protection to Trade Union funds and the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1875 which legalized peaceful picketing .
9 Below me were Ribblehead and the viaduct , while to my right was Ingleborough which for the first time in days looked fresh and green instead of glowering and grey .
10 Shortly afterwards Metzinger published an article in the literary review Pan on the work of Picasso , Braque , Le Fauconnier and Delaunay in which he proclaimed a new type of painting which for the first time broke with hellenic traditions .
11 The USSR had acquired substantial assets in the Third World , which for the first time were threatened by a combination of internal rebellion and external pressure .
12 Her heart sank as she remembered the phone call which for the first time began to make sense .
13 A subset of the data is now being incorporated into a multinational comparative data set being compiled by Professor Gershuny at the University of Bath , which for the first time enables comparisons of trends in time use , for similar social groups , across time and across countries .
14 The proposals , which for the first time would offer direct payments for such schemes , form part of a package of six new measures to protect and care for the countryside launched for consultation .
15 In April 1989 a " law on individual rights " was approved which for the first time explicitly recognized the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights .
16 During a five-hour address on the opening day , which for the first time was not broadcast live , Castro painted a bleak picture of an economy critically dependent on trade with the Soviet Union .
17 In 1651 the Dutch republic forbade its diplomats to accept gifts from foreign governments ; and in 1692 regulations were issued in Sweden which for the first time specified the value of those to be given to foreign representatives on their departure .
18 A consciousness of belonging to a coherent professional group was both expressed and strengthened by the appearance , from the mid-nineteenth century onwards , of guides and yearbooks which for the first time listed the diplomats and foreign office officials in the service of most of the European states .
19 I suppose one of the most fundamental changes brought about by reorganisation , though , was the creation of a team , which for the first time , consolidated into one management structure .
20 Then it breaks out over an overlap onto the characteristic smooth slabs and walls which at the same time tempt and intimidate , attract but repel .
21 There were also some devices which counterbalanced this continual splitting of family resources , such as the partnership system of the family firm , marriage between cousins , and setting up trusts to provide income for daughters and wives which at the same time allowed the trustees , who were always men , to use the trust capital for the business .
22 It gives a good intellectual overview of the problem and a ‘ map ’ in which can be located detailed close-up studies , which at the same time do not lose sight of the general context in which they are made .
23 Feminists need a more dynamic view of reading , one which maintains a political perspective , but which at the same time concedes that there is room for manoeuvre between text and audience .
24 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
25 She really made Seles fight , in a hard-hitting baseline battle which at the same time surely set a new decibel record !
26 The emphasis is on a purposeful and communicative approach to language learning which at the same time will provide students with a sound command of language structure and vocabulary .
27 The virtue of immediate or shortly forthcoming abolition of the trade abolitionists proclaimed as an act of justice and humanity which at the same time offered the greatest stimulus to reform of slavery on the plantations .
28 Both indigenous and immigrant working classes have at various times staked claims to be considered the true backbone of ‘ the nation ’ ( as against a decadent aristocracy or unpatriotic bourgeoisie for example ) through various institutions of public propriety ( churches , labour organizations , community associations ) which at the same time defend the integrity of their own traditions against negative influences in the wider society .
29 A song must be not only ‘ familiar ’ but also ‘ new ’ — that is , must stimulate attention — and this contradiction is surmounted by introducing ‘ pseudo-individualized ’ effects ( which at the same time , of course , reinforce the ideology of ‘ creativity ’ and ‘ uniqueness ’ necessary for cultural goods ) .
30 This was not the first time that water had been collected in bulk , but hitherto those who indulged in the practice had generally been powerful bodies , like water or railway companies , who had acted under powers given them by legislation which at the same time made them liable for harm done by its escape .
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