Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its results are weapons already far better than needed to defeat second-rate enemies , which may be the only ones to worry about once the Soviet Union has imploded .
2 Having found a set of words from the lexicon which may be the correct spelling of an identified misspelling , common correction techniques compute an index of matching for each candidate word .
3 Er and so what John 's done , he 's suggested that in fact if it comes for March ninety four , that he spread the work out till nineteen ninety four which may be the sensible attitude cos people can make those decisions of the schemes to involved .
4 However , it could have hidden a greater reduction in flow in the deeper layers of the bowel wall , which may be the main site of vascular compromise .
5 A single gene may be responsible in that although the identical twin concordance rate is only 40–50 per cent , there has been some suggestion that the other twin often has some schizoid features of personality which may be the same disease in a much milder form ( Emery , 1975 ) .
6 Instead of rooting them out and replacing them , we can leave them undisturbed until they are intermingled with the new presuppositions of Christian truth which should be the sole foundation of the Christian 's mind .
7 So it is the success of an implemented programme or policy , rather than the success of a conservation technique at a trial stage under research station conditions , which should be the chief objective of evaluation and critical analysis .
8 In the 600cc class which should be the best of the day , Jim Moodie is fastest on 115.90 but if McCallen gets it together he can win this race for the third year in a row .
9 It is this emphasis on supplementary rather than substitute care ( Davis , 1981 ) , growing out of a recognition of the fundamentally shared nature of parenting , which should be the driving force behind a new direction for child care policy .
10 Much less unacceptable would be a shorter warrant period , which should be the maximum duration possible , rather than the standard period in every case .
11 Simple truth , which must be the highest aim of any real inquiry , has explicitness as a condition .
12 The alternative focus to the harbour in Saint-Jean is the church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste , which must be the largest of all the Basque churches .
13 Even Trollope has his abbey , although he despised both Disraeli 's challenge to Young England and his novels : ‘ To me they have all had the same flavour of paint and unreality … a feeling of stage properties … and that pricking of the conscience which must be the general accompaniment of paste diamonds . ’
14 Beyond them is another range , which must be the Scottish Office , and then , on the horizon , the fine spider 's web of antennae on the roof of the Admiralty .
15 Nor is it simply looking at them with no further end in mind , which might be the listless action of someone who can think of nothing else to do .
16 All you need in order to be able to take advantage of a low-cost upgrade is a proof of purchase ( registration counts ) which might be the first page of your manual for the product you already have , your sales invoice from the dealer that sold you the product ( a photocopy will do ) , a copy of the setup disk ( they 're serialised , you see ) , or , for Windows , a copy of the invoice for a machine that comes complete with Windows .
17 ‘ Copper Blue ’ has a more upbeat fictional stories — Man On The Moon is almost like a limerick or something from a children 's book — but on the other hand there 's something like The Slim , which might be the harshest thing I 've ever written .
18 Because the audience can take such an active part in still image work it is something which can easily be tackled in the classroom , which might be the best place for introducing it to a class who are unfamiliar with it .
19 All sorts of reasons are given for the lack of enthusiasm in schools for physical science and technology , but never that which might be the fundamental one .
20 Liverpool City Council are planning to start a tournament in the winter which could be the first step of a journey up the British rankings right up to a match against number one players Jeremy Bates and Joe Durie .
21 In an action which could be the largest personal injury case in legal history , they claim that these pharmaceutical companies which include market leaders Roche and Wyeth , and Halcion manufacturer Upjohn , failed to warn doctors and consumers of the possible side effects — which may include long-term brain chemistry damage — of seventeen different drugs .
22 Eventually , in conjunction with television , it could allow the telephone to be used for ‘ tele-shopping ’ , or for selecting a film from huge databases which could be the electronic video stores of the future .
23 They paused a moment longer , then moved further down the gallery , inspecting each exhibit , checking any books which could be the hidden Grimoire .
24 As a result , it is an established convention that the Scottish and Welsh Offices consult their Whitehall opposite numbers ( and vice versa ) before proposing any action which could be the thin end of an undesirable wedge for the other ministry .
25 Which would be the real one ?
26 Joe Clark , the Constitutional Affairs Minister announced , however , that he would table legislation within the next few months empowering the government , if necessary , to hold a national referendum on the final constitutional package , which would be the first to be held since that of 1942 on the issue of conscription .
27 It was unlikely that countries like Brazil , China and India , which would be the largest consumers of energy in the future , would succumb to international treaties or conventions limiting energy use at the cost of economic development .
28 For Lewis , this was ‘ the personal heresy ’ , a vivid example of which would be the present biography , which seeks to shed light on a man 's work by researching into the recesses of his mind and the outward events of his life .
29 Every case in real life must involve the owner or the person described in section 5(1) ; ‘ the rights ’ may mean ‘ all the rights , ’ which would be the normal grammatical meaning , or ( less probably , in my opinion ) ‘ any rights : ’ see Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 , 332h .
30 A sign of the country 's plight is that it is hard to say which would be the better investment .
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