Example sentences of "[Wh det] [modal v] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Delegated legislation is used mainly to add detail to primary legislation which may lay down the general principles although matters of considerable importance are sometimes dealt with in this way .
2 There are also fears that the increased tourist traffic will bring introduced plant and animal species which may bring about the extinction of endemic species .
3 You do need some space to work , though ; the AccuCard needs clearance of around two inches , which may take up the adjacent slot .
4 A slight alteration to the course this year — work going on around the River Mersey means that the runners now have the luxury of running through the elegant Marina Complex , which should speed up the proceedings .
5 The Indian government has been strongly criticized for its slow response , but a bill has now been introduced in parliament which should speed up the processing of claims .
6 They are disgusted with a decision which must kill off the all-important chance of exposing a form of cheating that has spread with alarming haste as bowlers find ways of getting the old ball to swing violently late .
7 Okay , I agree there and , and objectives , so we might say er , future work which might bring in the , your point er , Tom .
8 Apart from legislation which might break up the unity of imperial law , some colonial legislation was likely to affect the interests of people in Britain directly .
9 Moreover many farm workers still find it difficult to meet the cost of private transport which might open up the range of alternatives .
10 How would Niger and Nigeria react to the plans of upstream nations for barrages and irrigation schemes which might dry up the Niger ?
11 Institutional and professional continuity seems to allow established disciplines to contain epistemological doubts or crises which might kill off the fledgling .
12 They scanned the misty water , keeping a watch-out for driftwood which might foul up the engine .
13 If this fails to hold the situation then review the case and see if there have been any changes or new information come to light that would enable you to select a more similar remedy which could carry on the work of the first remedy .
14 AIDS patients are being given a new vaccine which could slow down the effects of the disease .
15 A new drug which could slow down the onset of Aids in people infected with the HIV virus is undergoing trials in America .
16 The problem was , however , that the ink often obscured the watermark as well as large sections of the paper which could show up the idiosyncrasies of the particular mould used ( the point being that the hundreds of paper mills in existence at the time not only had their own watermarks but that each particular paper mould had its own variations in the structure of its wires ) .
17 But there is the problem of oxygen ‘ sinks ’ existing as well , which could use up the oxygen produced by recombining with any of the CHON molecules .
18 THE propaganda machine which used to crank out the political fantasies of East European communists is being put to work turning out mushy romance novels .
19 The texture of the sounds , the little ant-bear funnels , the twittering of the water sprinklers , the unnamed but instantly familiar birds , the patient devotions of the gardeners , the numberless frogs ( now in caviare-eyed repose on water lilies and ledges ) , the huge , lazy tadpoles , the dragonflies on their biplane wings skimming the water , the busy red ants returning with baguettes of grass ( the same ants which used to run up the shorts of children and sink their vicious fangs into unwary little scrota ) and now the distant thwack of tennis bails and the inevitable muted cries of anguish — all these impressions play so strongly on my memory because they leap thirty-five years of my life in one bound .
20 The government , which used to play down the ‘ brain drain' , now accepts the need for frankness .
21 Carl Sagan , the distinguished astrophysicist , suggested in 1961 that Venus could be made habitable to earthlings if it were seeded with blue-green algae , which would split up the carbon and oxygen molecules to glean the carbon necessary for the glucose and carbohydrate diets they would need .
22 With Lytton Strachey 's Elizabeth and Essex as their source , they invented scenes which would open out the twin deltas of their story ; Elizabeth the monarch and Elizabeth the woman .
23 This , more developed , scheme outlined the much criticized recommendation of setting up an inner Cabinet of five which would carry out the needed programme of economic reform .
24 In December the formation of a Command of the People 's Army was announced which would carry out the professional management of the defence forces ; Lt-Gen Kalman Loerincz became commander , with the government rank of State Secretary .
25 The three principal tasks of the proposed congress would be ( i ) to set out the broad principles within which the detailed constitutional work could be carried out ; ( ii ) to determine the make-up of the body which would draw up the constitution ; and ( iii ) to establish an interim government to oversee the transition process until a new government was in place .
26 He claimed that the Government 's vision of enabling authorities — those which would contract out the operation of services — was greatly exaggerated .
27 During the summer of 1716 , a sensitive time since i August marked the anniversary of King George 's alleged usurpation of the throne , considerable unrest occurred in London where taverns associated with the Whigs were attacked by mobs which would break up the premises but leave enough of the stock undamaged to drink the health of ‘ James III ’ .
28 To add a new word into the dawg , the current structure would need to be searched both forwards and backwards to establish whether or not the required paths exist , which would slow down the building algorithm ( see section 3.3.3 ) .
29 Mr Vassiliou , 61 , seeking a second five-year term , helped to draw up the formula as a basis for negotiation which would bring down the dividing ‘ green line ’ .
30 The supreme body was the Council of Heads of State , which would take on the responsibility of legal succession from the dissolution of the Soviet Union .
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