Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are also still about a hundred racing dinghies of the same class as Port and Starboard 's Flash : Yare and Bure one-designs which are always called after butterflies .
2 One becomes a member of a caste by being born into one of its lineages which are always transmitted from male to male .
3 ( 4 ) Wings ( see p. 50 ) , which are always confined to the meso-and metathorax and attain their full development in adult insects .
4 IN 1989 Hannah achieved a long-held ambition when a new friend , Mrs nancy smith , who has a farm in Stokesley , took her to Stokesley Show — an event which usually merits two full pages of text and pictures in the Darlington Times and Echo which are always read with deep interest by Hannah , who loves flowers , particularly roses .
5 The remaining weak-form words are all auxiliary verbs , which are always used in conjunction with ( or at least implying ) another ( ‘ full ’ ) verb .
6 ( e ) Leasehold property When your client is buying a leasehold property in a case where the lessor 's licence to assign is required , the licence ( which is always prepared by the lessor 's solicitor , who should submit the draft to you for your approval ) may require your client 's execution of a counterpart of the licence .
7 Most , but not all , building societies have their own printed form of notice , which is always served in duplicate , so that one copy can be receipted and returned to you and lodged with the title deeds , which are ultimately sent back to the lender .
8 Of course , an intentional consequence of any effective training programme should be to permeate ideas and attitudes throughout the working environment via the ‘ day-to-day training which is always going on whether we specifically plan it or not ’ , not least of all to counteract existing erroneous ideas and/or unwelcome attitudes .
9 The most frequently occurring vowel in English is , which is always associated with weak syllables .
10 It is the same for all the inherently restrictive adjectives ; inevitably , an adjective which is always used as a way of selecting restrictively from a set of items present in the mind of the speaker is liable to be thought of as a means of identifying an entity .
11 ‘ What is appropriated and reproduced is here only the herd and not the soil which is always used in temporary commonalty wherever the tribe breaks its wanderings. ’ [ p. 89 . ]
12 This is described by another commentator as ‘ a disposal of the grey , day-to-day business of reconciling interests , a fear of the pragmatic soiling of ideals through political compromise , a distaste for cool reason , which threatens to corrupt the hot dictates of the heart , the primacy given to principle , the loyalty to fundamentals , to ruthless coherence instead of to balance , to compromise , which is always thought of as ‘ lazy ’ and close to ‘ horse-trading ’ if not ‘ treachery ’ . ’
13 We stood for some time watching the ‘ Try your strength ’ machine which was always sited by The Fawcett Statue on Blue Boar Row .
14 The habitats which have been hardest hit by the post-war agricultural revolution are on land which was always regarded as the most marginal : the barest hilltops , the steepest hillsides , and the wettest valley bottoms .
15 The government did not have to concern itself with the balance of payments ( which was always expected to be favourable or self-adjusting ) , free trade meant that there was no need for elaborate connections with industry , the level of employment had to be left to the supply and demand for labour , and all that the government should do was elementary regulation in the interests of those sections of the community unable to defend themselves .
16 Usually I was challenged as to why I was not reading law , which was always quoted as the ‘ proper ’ subject for a police officer .
17 We confirmed the clear correlation of histologically proven candida infection , which was always confined to the oesophagus , with the presence of dysphagia .
18 Before the study , which was always performed in the morning , all subjects were starved for eight hours , avoided all medicines known to affect the gastrointestinal tract for at least 12 hours , and refrained from smoking for at least 24 hours .
19 In the second half , they were on top again , but just could n't get the first goal , which was always going to be vital in such a close battle .
20 It was what would be shown on the screens of the new theatres that would ultimately determine what was always referred to as ‘ the tone ’ of the movies as a social custom .
21 These modes of thought are so deeply embedded in the collective conscious that ten years after the amalgamations , when the chief constable ( from the south ) replaced the flat cap with helmets , a number of ex-city men could not discuss the impending change without exhibiting distress and described this event as being something of an Armageddon , even though the expensive guard-style cap of the pre-amalgamation days had long since given way to what was always derided as ‘ a cheap and nasty alternative ’ .
22 What was always going to be an extremely tricky situation has now been made even more unfavourable for the Government — by the Government .
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