Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] follow by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1975 ) analysed the data collected in their experiment with a view to seeing whether more accurate responses were given to verbal questions which were followed by eye movements to the right than to verbal questions eliciting leftward eye movements .
2 At line 37 V interjects in Creole " you see what the woman 's wearing ! " which is followed by laughter from the others .
3 After a few bars of dialogue between Orfeo and the shepherds , Dafne returns with her tragic news which she recites in strikingly contrasted tones : which is followed by recitative conversation between Euridice , Orfeo , Dafne , and the shepherds .
4 Trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London , which was followed by repertory theatre in various parts of the country , national tours , and theatre abroad , Vienna , Stockholm , the Caribbean , and a British Council tour of Betrayal in Switzerland and Portugal .
5 The most negative aspects of American policing — its violence and racism — came together in the beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles in 1991 , which was followed by rioting when the white policemen responsible were acquitted in April 1992 .
6 The world exploded in a flash , brilliant as a magnesium flare , which was followed by blackness .
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