Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The research aims to monitor the law on illegitimacy in the light of the provisions which are to supercede it under the Family Law Reform Act 1987 .
2 He made love to her with a driving desperation that matched the excesses which were to shock her in retrospect , and if his flesh bore the imprint of her nails and teeth afterwards , there were faint reciprocal marks on her body , mostly the legacy of an erotically suckling mouth .
3 It was back in England for ( Sir ) Alexander Korda [ q.v. ] in 1933 that Laughton made his screen name in The Private Life of Henry VIII at the start of a sequence of major cinema biographies ( The Barretts of Wimpole Street ( 1934 ) , Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) , Rembrandt ( 1936 ) , and the unfinished I Claudius ( 1936 ) ) , which were to see him at the very peak of his reflective , anguished talent for larger-than-life monsters of reality .
4 Burghley Park became his study and there he formulated his religious ideas which were to alienate him from society for the rest of his life .
5 A stop gate provides protection as the canal approaches the aqueduct which is to carry it across the River Tame ( Feb 83 guide ) and between a sewage works and an electricity substation .
6 Wearing a tidy black suit , Palance throws his carpetbag negligently into the back of Jeff Chandler 's buggy which is to take him to the reservation .
7 The rest were employed at present between Stavros and Episkopi , loading and transporting the casks to the warehouses to await the arrival of the all-important galley which was to take them to Venice .
8 In 1941 he was still very content with an unrealized , cerebral exposition of the Christian gospel which was to lead him into many distortions .
9 The birds proved to be merely the lure which was to draw us into ten years of adventure through a land of waking dreams .
10 In the morning providentially we set off for the frontier , and there to my great delight I saw the familiar face of Mr Derrick Robinson , Rhodesia 's Assistant Commissioner of Police , standing beside a BMW motor car which was to convey me to Salisbury .
11 Behind the scenes , Sir Reginald was negotiating with political leaders about the composition of the Executive Council which was to assist him in the government of the country until elections could be held .
12 Edward had not yet covered himself with military glory , but he had revealed a sureness of political judgement which was to stand him in good stead in the greater military endeavours that he embarked upon in 1337 .
13 Charles V , showing that good judgement of men which was to stand him in good stead throughout his reign , chose Bertrand du Guesclin to command his forces , and du Guesclin defeated Navarre at the battle of Cocherel in May 1364 .
14 By Spain , Jackie was beginning to feel the first twinges of the ulcer which was to hamper him for some time and keep him out of racing properly — and out of Belgium altogether — until July .
15 Habitats , there 's enough bloody habitats up and down flowers growing out , I said well I said what 's to stop me from taking a bloody plough and ploughing all the bloody flowers up
16 What is to stop us from generalising ?
17 If Paul had known what was to befall him on his way to Damascus , he would have taken another road .
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