Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The issues addressed are those which are to the fore in the care and education of couples during pregnancy , childbirth and the neonatal period .
2 They are concerned with a statutory form of control rather than the common law , and did not mention the House of Lords ' decisions which are to the contrary .
3 The emphasis here is rather less upon the calculation of personal advantage , and rather more on the kin group as a co-operative unit , taking collective decisions which are to the advantage of all .
4 On the whole , however , it is submitted that a judicial is preferable to a statutory re-definition , because the existing law , although imprecise , is founded on the right principle , that continuance in perpetuity and exemption from tax should be allowed to those purposes and those alone which are for the benefit of the public .
5 Any disregard of this may provide the minority shareholders with a claim under s459 Companies Act 1985 , under which they may complain against resolutions of the company which are for the benefit not of the company as a whole , but of the majority shareholders alone .
6 It raises a number of complex and inter-related matters , some of which are for the pensions industry , some for the banks , some for actuaries , auditors and regulators .
7 The LA has the power to revoke , suspend , curtail or prematurely terminate a licence if the holder has ( a ) broken any conditions attaching to his licence , or ( b ) been convicted of any offences which are of the type relevant to determination of the applicant 's fitness to hold a licence in the first place , or ( c ) been made bankrupt or gone into liquidation .
8 The frequencies lie within ranges which are of the order of one Cycle in 10 , 20 and 60 seconds .
9 Just outside the Upper Gate is the attractive Heiligblut ( Holy Blood ) pilgrimage chapel of 1674–5 , with a series of biblical scenes on its wooden ceiling which are of the period .
10 15 year old Andrew Stribblehill told SRN that the railway had locomotives at its disposal for operating trains , which are of the passenger and freight types .
11 There is little doubt that there are some sounds that come from semi-acoustic guitars which are beyond the realms of an EQ job on a solid .
12 For in those matters which are beyond the reach of absolute knowledge , it is within the province of man 's own responsibility to decide what , for the time being , can be or can not be accepted as truth , and , as there can be a Created God , so can that God be the product of created truth .
13 Many LDCs ' projects involve advanced technology on ‘ greenfield ’ sites , e.g. petrochemical complexes , integrated iron and steel works , which are beyond the capital resources and acceptable risk levels of private corporations or investors .
14 Design signifies architectural design in this context , although such a review raises issues in town planning and housing policy which are beyond the scope of this paper , and which have been addressed in part by others .
15 Inadequate pre-school provision in the neighbourhood , poor play facilities for children in the evenings and holidays , the poor state of fencing on local stretches of railway or canal are things which , although vital to parents and children , are issues which are beyond the control of the school .
16 Whilst it is not possible to conceive of a designing system which can take into account influences which are beyond the designer 's knowledge and comprehension , it is possible to generate a fundamental design procedure in which all relationships , known to the designer , are " captured " and tested for .
17 This vision , what Eliot called Kipling 's knowledge ‘ of the things which are underneath , and of the things which are beyond the frontier , , was what made some of Kipling 's short stories so important to the writer of The Waste Land .
18 If more than half the parents are fairly well off and eager to expand facilities in their school , they can set levels for school charges which are beyond the means of the poorer parents ( fee levels are set by the government ) .
19 is making average weekly earnings which are below the level at which NI contributions must be paid ( £52 from 6th April 1991 ) .
20 However , given that the majority of employees receive earnings which are below the £17,200 threshold , the 29 per cent rate is clearly imposed on a wide range of incomes , from the lowest to the relatively highly paid employee .
21 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
22 When you draw the curtains in the evening , remember not to cover radiators which are under the windows .
23 It is subject partly to the normal economic mechanisms , some of which are under the control of central governments through fiscal and monetary instruments .
24 Although there have been innovations in social care provision , which are outside the range of this book to review , there is still a tendency to fit people to services rather than vice versa .
25 It also follows that witchcraft regularly appears in disputes which are outside the law .
26 Notes seem to be introduced which are outside the system , yet when we investigate his methods we find that what is seemingly haphazard is in reality well planned : As will be seen , apart from grouping notes 6–9 normally , the rest is made up by omitting notes from chords and then introducing them later on .
27 ( Compare non-absolute transfers , or sales by way of mortgages which are outside the scope of the SGA 1979 but must nevertheless comply with the Bills of Sale ( 1878 ) Amendment Act 1882 ) .
28 Those areas which are outside the rail buffer , RAILBUF , are removed ( to give ERASRG ) , and next the conservation areas , CONSV ( to give ERASRGC ) .
29 The ACA Form of Building Agreement was published in 1982 and , unlike most JCT contracts , requires the contractor to take all risks which are outside the control of the client or the architect .
30 However , we can see that their position also is constructed largely by factors which are outside the control of individuals .
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