Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In cases of this kind ( which rarely come before the Court of Appeal except on appeal against sentence ) , the last act of the provoker , even though minor in itself , may be placed in the context of the previous provocation , and may itself be treated as sufficient to show that the loss of self-control was ‘ sudden and temporary ’ .
2 This in turn does n't help his voice , which rarely breaks from a rather lazy-sounding , aspirant Jack Nicholson-style Californian croak .
3 The major difference which appears from the beginning is that sign language does not require voice and therefore allows the possibility of a mixing of two language codes , something which rarely occurs in the spoken situation .
4 The lowest shrub of all the sorts here mentioned is the Scotch Rose which rarely grows above a foot high , so that this must be placed among other shrubs of the same growth , which should have a moist soil and a shady situation .
5 True to recent form Omagh conceded a first-half goal , and late in the game two more , as the Crues won a match which rarely rose above the mediocre .
6 Italy is of course the country where anything is possible , but legitimate concern has been expressed at the way in which the young Florentine judge has seen fit to take upon herself a role which properly belongs to the competent institutional authorities that of evaluating the appropriateness and the implementation of a particular restoration project .
7 The duty arises from the real concern that management may benefit from an opportunity which properly belongs to the company and its shareholders .
8 Instead , bloated catalogues bulged with inferior stock and works which properly belonged in the routine day sales and had been promoted in order to provide ballast for the smarter evening sessions .
9 KPMG Peat Marwick will not assume the responsibility which properly rests with the directors for the fair disclosure of information ( including financial information ) in investment advertisements ( including prospectuses , listing particulars , offer documents , Information memoranda and information circulars .
10 The effect of jitter in a digital system is to reduce precision , clarity , stereo imagery and that curious and almost indefinable property normally described as ‘ timing ’ and which loosely translates into a feeling that the musicians are not all on the same wavelength .
11 • These days she 's pretty much engaged in an acting career , although she did turn up in John Waters ' Hairspray in 1988 to render Barbara Lynn Ozen 's title song , which duly appeared on the soundtrack album .
12 In February 1974 the original lessee assigned the lease to the second defendant , a company , which duly entered into the required covenant directly with the landlord .
13 GUIDING deputies with a firm hand , President Gorbachev yesterday got his way at the opening session of Congress , which duly voted against a proposal by the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko to discuss the Communist Party 's monopoly of power .
14 In late April 1991 Lee signed a document declaring the end of the " Period of Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion " , which effectively brought to an end more than four decades of " civil war " between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland .
15 Suitably armed , the Princess felt confident enough to write a long and detailed rejoinder to her irate father-in-law which effectively spelled out the way she felt she had been treated by husband , the Royal Family and their courtiers .
16 Indeed , but it is a pretension which effectively connects with the masses .
17 This " combination " which effectively amounts to no more than the adjective itself is then linked by explicit assignment to the entity of the subject .
18 Do the longer-term contracts that my hon. Friend 's statement envisages , which presumably depend on the longer-term view , take the prospects of a Mersey barrage any further ?
19 Near him was a door which presumably led to a room beyond .
20 We now know that during the Saturday daylight raids on London , a chiefs-of-staff meeting took urgent action on deciding that invasion was likely within a few hours ; they had the code word ‘ Cromwell ’ flashed from the War Room to military units at 20.07 hours that evening ( which presumably led to the flap at my unit ; the station commander was away that weekend , and the acting CO in charge ) .
21 Several doors opened off the landing and there were ladder-like stairs which presumably led to the attics .
22 Neither of these units were encountered in Newmill-l , which presumably terminated above the volcanics ; the absence of the Magnesian Limestone and Permian salt is attributed to faulting .
23 Efforts to identify the coeliac toxic amino acid sequence , which presumably acts as a T cell immunogen , have focussed on the wheat prolamin , gliadin , whose four subfractions α , Β , and γ , are thought to be toxic to patients with coeliac disease .
24 The danger and the extra effort needed to shoe a colt for the first time was recognized by a custom called in some districts of East Anglia by the term First Nail which presumably referred to the violent shock the first nail would give to the colt .
25 In cold winter weather it develops a terminal misfire starting with a slight loss of power which slowly turns into a worsening , choking misfire eventually stopping the vehicle .
26 Early television sets , when you turned them off , used to leave a blob of light in the middle of the screen , which slowly diminished from the size of a florin to an expiring speck .
27 It was like all that ego-building which eventually turns into a monster .
28 It was here that disenchantment with the liberalism of the New Deal and its successor the Great Society began setting in , which eventually culminated in the landslide victories for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s .
29 In late 1959 Goleniewski had given MI5 enough information to identify Harry Houghton , who worked at the Admiralty 's underwater research laboratory at Portland , which eventually led to the exposure of the Portland spy ring .
30 Thus began the process which eventually led to the peasants ceasing to sow grain and ultimately to the New Economic Policy .
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