Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pron] [vb base] at the " in BNC.

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1 The second matter which I mention at the outset is this .
2 And if so , what is the fluid which I produce at the moment of orgasm ?
3 You could change the scale at which you look at the NI , for example .
4 KPMG should not be associated with an Investment Overview which we know at the time of issue to be misleading or factually incorrect .
5 And I 'll be back after the weather with tonight 's Lifeline in which we look at the problem of alcoholism .
6 It is not satisfactory to change a policy such as that which we have at the moment , and to have add-ons for the environment .
7 But the major problem is that the sites which we have at the present moment are not controlled , and if we could get proper sites , properly managed , I think you would find that the whole erm picture of a gipsy site in an area would be much better received by the public than it is at the present .
8 Let us chart the way by which we arrive at the Fundamental Principle .
9 The channels with which each of the tanks connect at the upper level , and into which they immerse at the lower , lie parallel to one another , but the entrances to each of the upper channels , against which the appropriate tank abuts , are the width of an entire plane apart .
10 Among other things , this opens up the multiculturalists and antiracists to the very charge of propaganda and indoctrination which they level at the textbooks , authors and teachers they are attempting to challenge .
11 The proper word is , come from a very long word , a real mouthful , phenylketonuria , known as P K U for short P U , and Mr Guffbry developed this test specifically to diagnose this condition , but in nineteen ninety two there are other conditions which they diagnose at the same time with the same blood test , do you know what they are ?
12 did they actually have to claim how much , I mean er you know they produced , cos all we 're saying here is they 're just taking a a nominal amount which they stipulate at the beginning of a three year period , and they 're just gon na take that .
13 The shape of a beak is described by the ratio of its length to its depth , and its curvature ; similarly , the position of eyes may be characterised as the angle which they subtend at the centre of the bird 's head .
14 Even if I was paid twice what I get at the cafe , I still would n't bloody stick at home all day .
15 See what he what I pay at the moment is eighty four pound for the house .
16 After all , Father left all his property to me , and as I say , that man trap is exactly what I need at the moment .
17 Strange how what you regard at the time as being your downfall , often turns out to be the making of you .
18 For what you make at the end of the day on , on somebody 's
19 Interviewers can not be sure of people 's age or social class before an interview is begun and so one can see the temptation of putting a woman down as under 35 if that is just what you need at the end of a hard day when the woman turns out in fact to be 38 .
20 The point you want to arrive at , is getting what you want at the price you can afford .
21 Theoretically , we might expect this to be so , since the same environment tends to support the same kind of organisms , but in fact the persistence of some fossils appears to go far beyond what we know at the present day .
22 More than physical possession , in which , Proust says , one actually possesses nothing , Marcel seeks from Albertine reassurance concerning his own distinctiveness , his separateness , his individuality , and in Proust 's conception of love , therefore , failure is inevitable , because despite the conventionally unifying language of love , what we seek at the most profound level is not contact with another person , but contact with ourselves .
23 Yes well quite simply , I mean we know all the replies from the bridal magazines , I mean we know what we sell at the Christmas fair and what we sell Christmas cracker-wise .
24 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
25 What we are looking to do here is to water down what we have at the moment .
26 No , it 's not a good idea at all , we should stick with what we have at the moment , the representation of people who opt to pay the political levy .
27 What we have at the moment is a situation where we discharge 17 million tons of wet sewage from vessels into the river each year .
28 And what the manifesto is , is trying to do is to er set an agenda for about how the lot of private homes can be improved , and er fixing rent is one thing which the government er traditionally has had a responsibility for and which needs , er must be linked in with conditions because what we have at the moment is a situation where you get , in Oxford , a er a family living in one room being charged er over two hundred pounds a week by an individual landlord , and that 's clearly unacceptable .
29 What we do at the end of the year we have n't quite worked out , but we are very much committed to sharing child care and professional space if you like , but we are very privileged in that academic work allows one the flexibility to work in the hours that you find convenient and so on and allows you the flexibility to make this kind of family arrangement .
30 By all means we may admire , but it is prudent not to judge by what we see at the shows .
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