Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] the [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 More and more people are getting the standard pop music motifs off their chests in favour of designs which highlight the off-beat and individual .
2 As with so many of the apparently unreal differences on the Left it was organizational rather than principled considerations which divided the Communist and non-Communist advocates of Unity .
3 They are prone to silting which slows the current and causes shallows ; water levels can vary so that both in flood and drought rivers can become impassable .
4 Hence it is sometimes only the face in the photograph which represents the demonstrable and technical perfection , as at Netherhampton in Wiltshire , for instance .
5 Not so in the seething maelstrom of the middle class which separates the upper and lower .
6 They are based at a duty room outside the Soviet War Memorial in the Tiergarten , tasked with policing the 3.7 kilometres of Wall which separates the British and Soviet sectors .
7 Paris was the focal centre of the Île de France region , which produced the early and most famous examples which set the pattern for the whole of northern Europe .
8 The results obtained so far suggest that shape-specific long-chain water polymers could be the something which produces the physiological and pharmacological effects which homoeopathic potencies exert on living systems .
9 Looking back on these campaigns at the end of her life , she defined the law as the chief agency for enacting God 's work and for abolishing the double-standard , which menaced the young and ultimately contributed to the disintegration of the state .
10 Our study , which avoided the methodological and analytical problems of previous studies , found no effect of essential fatty acid supplementation in atopic dermatitis .
11 It was not that her therapist was possessed of unusual wisdom or insight and that Scarlet had learned from her : it was just that Scarlet had discerned her way of thought and her approach to the problems which beset the insecure and so found her entirely predictable .
12 It is these survival techniques which provide the cultural and psychological framework that gives energy and support to black children .
13 Finally — a factor peculiarly stressed by Catalan historians — there was the industrious artisan family 's propensity to save , which provided the economic and psychological springs of industrial progress .
14 He also traces the Hegelian , and Lukácsian influences on leftist theories in France in the heightened intellectual atmosphere after the Liberation which provided the aesthetic and political context for the Situationists .
15 The more direct inspiration for the Situationists was the Dada-Lettrist connection which provided the aesthetic and political basis for their adoption of non-cognitive methods of expression ( such as automatism , chance and other depersonalising techniques of production ) and also led to the definition of some key terms in their vocabulary .
16 The survey used standard socio-economic groups : AB which covers management , professional , technical and administrative occupations ; C1 which covers other non-manual staff ; C2 which covers skilled manual workers ; and DE which covers the semi-skilled and unskilled .
17 In fact , the failure of the ASEAN countries to issue a neutralisation blueprint in early 1975 resulted from the communist victories in Indo-China , which changed the political and social balance of forces in Southeast Asia .
18 Realistically , South Africa is the only country in the southern hemisphere which has the commercial and playing infrastructure to host a World Cup on its own .
19 Our evaluation identified some of these shared features , and showed how primary schools tended to cluster towards a number of broad types in respect of certain issues bearing on the management of PNP : for example , the roles undertaken by support staff and coordinators , and by deputy heads ; the managerial styles of senior staff ; the management structures which framed the defining and implementing of school policy ; the policies themselves ; heads ' stances on the ideas and practices which have constituted mainstream primary thinking since Plowden ; and heads ' leadership styles .
20 For 400 years after this the Romans enslaved , organised and civilised the enormous area of their known world , which encircled the Mediterranean and stretched from Spain in the west to the Black Sea in the east , from Britain in the north to Egypt in the south .
21 In June 1862 a four-hour session of the Council of Ministers which suspended The Contemporary and decided to open only one section of St Petersburg University in the coming academic year left the liberal Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich " deeply sad " .
22 This project is intended to develop a series of regional models which integrate the economic and demographic systems consistently , and to test these models with real data .
23 In addition to this general point about theory placing empirical practice into pre-determined boxes , there seems little historical rationale or evidence for this particular division between the types of functions and types of politics which characterize the local and the national state .
24 The main obstacle lies in the existing neo-liberal economic model which favours the powerful and encourages monopolies to rule in communications and other fields .
25 In THE late 1850s Stamford was the centre of an extraordinary murder case which filled the national and international press .
26 This will be developed further in a later section which describes the binomial and Black-Scholes option pricing models .
27 Further , this chapter also sets out to exemplify some of the problems we confront in considering an undisputed literary text ( The Faerie Queene ) in the context of a piece of writing which does not purport to be a fiction ( A View of the Present State of Ireland ) , yet which uses the generic and rhetorical conventions of literary writing .
28 Perhaps you saw the two TV programmes on American fundamentalism recently which put the ghastly and unacceptable face of that form of fundamentalism before us .
29 ‘ is different from other interests because it exercises power or influence in two ways — directly through interest groups and structurally because of the crucial role boards and managers exercise over production , investment and employment decisions which shape the economic and political environment within which Governments make policy ’ .
30 The Elector Counts of Ostland live on the north eastern border of the Empire beyond which lie the wild and dangerous Troll Country and the Northern Wastes .
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