Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [pers pn] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the basic level , Windows is an electronic desk-top which offers you a way to organise your programs .
2 But the winning recipe is for the filo fruit baskets , below , sent in by Margaret Crisell from Newcastle which wins her a bottle of 1987 Torres Milmanda wine from Pendes , Spain .
3 Worse still , the new Leeds are as sly and provocative as Don Revie 's sides , with none of the skills which made them the Liverpool of the Seventies .
4 In Germany , in July 1932 , the Nazi party won 230 seats in the Reichstag , which made them the majority party , although Adolph Hitler was not able to become the Chancellor until January 1933 .
5 Hayling is a man of considerable and obvious intelligence , with dishy looks and great charm which made him a favourite with some of the women comrades .
6 He was a tyrant , a bully , and he 'd stolen her things — which made him a thief into the bargain !
7 The distinctive thing about him which made him a legend in his lifetime and made his biography one of the Methodist best sellers of the century , was an immediate apprehension of the divine glory which issued naturally in leaping , dancing , and cheerful controversy with the world .
8 Alexander 's method was brought about by his unique way of thinking which made him the genius that he was .
9 His loneliness as a child had been reinforced by his years of solitary endeavour in the north-west frontier in India and Kenya , which made him the world 's leading authority on the diseases of the camel .
10 He had also been identified as one of those who had guarded the hostages after the TWA 747 hijack in June of that year , which made him an accomplice in the murder of US Navy diver , Robert Stetham .
11 His personal score stood at seven which made him an ace and then came that morning of ferocious winds and driving snow when he 'd come in at four hundred feet , flying blind , lost his engine at the last moment and crash-landed .
12 Possibly even more so than being the all singing , all dancing performer which made her a millionairess .
13 Which made me the family oddity . ’
14 It was a sharp strike which made it a dream return to his native North East following his £175,000 move to Merseyside in November 1991 .
15 Only a year earlier , Wilson himself had denounced the legislation which made it a member .
16 As a result of these processes , madeira wine gained qualities which made it a rival of port and sherry .
17 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
18 The factors which made it a reality in the 1970s are a pool of cheap labour , new production processes and new communications methods .
19 For the North African church had long clung to its own traditions of autonomy with a tenacity which made it a power with which the emperors and popes had to reckon .
20 A leader of the US Communist Party in New York from the late 1940s , he was imprisoned in 1953 for two years for violating the Smith Act , which made it a crime to advocate the violent overthrow of the Government .
21 But whatever the government 's motivation , the Official Secrets Act — a steamroller of an Act , as it then stood , which made it an offence to divulge almost anything of any kind ascertained in the course of official duties — was not used .
22 Erm we used to get complaints about kerb crawlers , but as you know , we had a a new law that was allegedly attributed to Nottingham , which made it an offence to , in certain circumstances to kerb crawl , looking for prostitutes .
23 That term is sometimes used loosely to refer to travellers and persons of nomadic habits , and in Mills v. Cooper a Divisional Court accorded the term such a meaning for the purposes of the Highways Act , which made it an offence for a gypsy to encamp on a highway .
24 It had a long colonial veranda and a high cupola , while the terminus of the railway , Tank Road Station at the docks , had a tower which made it an aid to ships navigating the harbour .
25 Of all the commercial cities of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Genoa is the best documented , for its marvellous series of notarial registers give us almost a comprehensive view of the sophisticated world of contracts and partnerships , of commerce near and far , which made it the home of a commercial empire stretching from the western Mediterranean to the Middle East .
26 The most significant of these was Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio , which made it the responsibility of an employee to show that an employer used practices adversely affecting women and minorities without any " business necessity " .
27 Miss Mates , indeed , kissed her on the cheek , said , ‘ Oh , you poor thing , ’ which made Sally-Anne feel a little mean , even if it was the last copper-bottomed clincher — that was her Uncle Orrin this time , not Papa — which got her the job .
28 Given a DC identifier and LIFESPAN username , the procedure PI_VIEW_DC_ASSESSMENT will request the assessment information ( assessor 's comments and the list of modules which make him an assessor for this DC ) .
29 This option enables you to view a Design Change ( DC ) assessor 's comment and the list of modules which make him an assessor for this DC .
30 Despite minor errors the book has a style and a use of simile which make it a pleasure to read .
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