Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fast paced , well acted , beautifully filmed in the famed Blue Ridge Mountains , possibly the last forested wilderness of the United States , this is a movie which insists you sit on the edge of your seat while skulls are cleaved and scalps lifted by the score .
2 Part of the impetus had been the growing frustration felt by women in the voluntary work committees that they and the issues which concerned them tended to be elbowed aside by men .
3 If you are under eighteen you could join a pony club , which involves you going to at least two meetings a year .
4 I was told that each train which passed us happened to be the one that was taking Tam Mahaddie away to kill the Kaiser and win the war .
5 Jane is unlikely to earn much sympathy by virtue of the attention given to the environment which produced her dabbling in eventfulness and her poor kiss , and yet the two environments have more in common than would once have been thought possible .
6 Over the past ten years local authorities have moved away from the model which led them to act as direct providers of public services .
7 Their revolutionary strategies and organizations reflected not their leadership of popular protest but a near-total isolation which led them to resort to conspiracy and manipulation .
8 It was their personal frustration which led them to indulge in wild self-deception , to embrace with fanatical conviction the most extreme and fanciful ideologies .
9 When Freddie returned from compassionate leave in Scotland after his wife 's miscarriage and found the letter waiting which requested him to report to London immediately , he did so with thankfulness , even though he was not yet aware of the full repercussions of his latest extra-marital affair .
10 No one would accuse the Americans of being frightened of the new , or the Indians of refusing to show emotion , or of inability to communicate , but all need to work in an environment which encourages them to give of their best , and encourages them to look outwards rather than inwards .
11 The central position which the Communists occupied in these campaigns was a result of their international connections , which made them appear as the principal opponents of Fascism .
12 The Thatcher group had several characteristics which made them differ from their predecessors .
13 The Victorians , of course , for all their virtues , had an edge of prudery which made them condemn in public that which they were busy practising in private .
14 King penguins were nesting on the hare ground a short walk from our landing beach , and while some still had eggs ( which are hatched on top of the feet under a fold of skin on the belly ) , others already had young , some of whom had developed brown down which made them look like teddy bears !
15 It was surprise which made him stop for a second .
16 If it had been later in the season , and the roses in full bloom , he might have missed the portal altogether , but there was just the one unopened bud on the bare branches , of a delicate peach shade with hints of rose which made him think of a girl 's skin .
17 Without conscious thought she found she was pushing her hands inside his shirt , fumbling for the buttons in a frenzy of haste which made him smile against her lips .
18 He was wearing an apron which made him look like a housewife , and tinkering with glass eyes , taking them out of a box and holding them up to the empty sockets of the dead bird , trying to find a matching pair that fitted .
19 But not dropped , ’ he added with a grin which made him look like the prototype jovial monk .
20 For all his long hair , bandeau and earrings which made him look like a weedy Viking , Terry Gill was a very ordinary young man , and pathetic ; pathetic because he so obviously wanted to amount to something and had no idea what .
21 Bismarck pushed the Dual Monarchy towards Italy — he was momentarily upset by a burst of panslavism which made him worry about a Franco-Russian rapprochement — and the result was the Triple Alliance ( 20 May 1882 ) .
22 His hair was tousled and he still looked a little sleepy , but he was fully dressed , which made her feel at a distinct disadvantage .
23 Beneath her mink she wore a blue dress which made her look like an overgrown Girl Guide .
24 It had two wings , one of which made me think of a church .
25 Which made me think of Springsteen and the fact that he had n't been fed for nearly twenty-four hours .
26 Elsie B graced me with a long chat which made me feel as if I 'd been in the presence of royalty , though I suspect not too many members of the Royal Family are at their desk as early as Elsie .
27 There was an abortive attempt at a ‘ Maureen Lipman says write to me about your washing problems ’ which made me squirm with embarrassment to the extent that I 've blocked out the name of the liquid detergent concerned .
28 In those dark days I was that uncomfortable mixture of martyr and guilty inadequate , which made me alternate between the guilt of holding people back and the fury that they did n't offer to stop without being asked .
29 I was getting used to the odd feeling of distance , which made it seem as if it was all about someone else , but it was alarming to see how most of the articles highlighted the love-story angle , rather than the conditions in which John was held or the reasons I 'd given as to why the Government should be doing more .
30 Except for the central heating radiators , the only other concession to modern living was the kind of gas fire which made it seem as if logs burned brightly in a stainless steel basket .
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