Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Adapted from Russell 's 1978 stageplay , Stags And Hens , about a stag-night and a hen-party which converge at the same venue , it is the first BBC-funded film ever to receive a full cinematic release ( next Spring ) before its television broadcast ( September 1991 ) .
2 Bird pollinators include unspecialized nectar eaters , which opportunistically visit many different kinds of flower , generally small ones , and specialized nectar eaters , which concentrate on a few kinds of flower , mainly larger ones .
3 It would be no exaggeration to claim that the whole of present-day transplantation surgery is based on his original insight and on his subsequent collaboration with Sir Peter Medawar , which led to the latter 's Nobel Prize .
4 This , he said , could not be characterised as having breached the duty of good faith which amounted to no more than a principle of fair and honourable dealing .
5 At the ‘ top end ’ the peculiarly British mutual accommodation and interpenetration of the bourgeoisie and aristocracy has licensed an extension of the term ‘ middle class ’ until there is only a vestigial ‘ upper class ’ against which to draw a contrast , while at the same time there have been successive waves of new recruits which have enlarged the base of the ‘ class ’ : the new groups of professionals , managers and technical experts which expanded from the latter half of the nineteenth century onward with the development of capitalist industry and trade ; the more recent expansion of salaried employment in education , research , health , social welfare , administration and planning .
6 In his paper ‘ Analysis Terminable and Interminable ’ ( 1937 ) , which belongs to the same period of Freud 's life as Moses and Monotheism , Freud writes about the way in which nearly all women patients show signs of wishing to be men , and men seek to avoid taking a passive attitude towards other men , including a male therapist .
7 The first organisms , which appear within a few hours of the pool forming , are bacteria , as well as tiny single celled plants and animals called algae and protozoa respectively .
8 The case would go to appeal on the issue of whether West German law could apply to events which occurred in the former East German state .
9 Substances which have the same type of chemical formula and which crystallise with the same crystal lattice are said to be isomorphous .
10 Snails with right-handed spiral cleavage have shells which coil with the same handedness , and left-handed shells have a left-handed spiral cleavage .
11 And if some of these assumptions were harsh in their operation they were tempered by a humanitarianism which stemmed from the same eighteenth-century roots .
12 Potential problems regarding the treaty 's formal implementation , which surfaced after the former Soviet republics of Armenia and Byelarus said that they were unable immediately to ratify the accord , were circumvented by an extraordinary conference in Vienna at which representatives from 29 signatory nations approved " provisional application " of the treaty pending its ratification by Armenia and Byelarus .
13 Average January temperatures are below freezing point , even as far south as Bitola , which lies in the same latitude as Naples .
14 In Yemen , seismic activity has commenced in our Hood block which lies in the same province as the oil fields recently discovered in the adjacent Masila area .
15 If you 're strongly allergic to any foods , you 'll know what they are , but if you get the occasional bout of nettle rash for no obvious reason or red , itchy patches which fade within a few hours , suspect a food allergy and think back to what you 've eaten during that day .
16 If you get the occasional bout of nettle rash for no obvious reason , or even red itchy patches , which fade within a few hours , suspect a food allergy , you have eaten in the past day .
17 At this price it has come under increasing pressure from the Commodore Amiga , which starts at the same price and attracts similar discounts .
18 In the early 1970s , in the heyday of abstract philosophy of education , it was commonplace to draw a distinction between education ‘ in the true sense ’ and pseudo-education ; or , which came to the same thing , between education and training .
19 The enormous increase in the demand for lace was largely due to the fashion for lace curtains which came at the same time as a huge house-building programme , and buyers came from home and abroad to negotiate their deals in the Lace Market .
20 There was a happy burble of voices which came from a few children discussing some design they were doing .
21 I have a deep respect for Cranham Baptist Church which meets in the same street as the Community Church .
22 Individual Athenians felt no compunction at this tightening of the screws : an Athenian father of about this time called his son Karystonikos , shamelessly exulting in the ‘ Victory over Karystos ’ , and the name Naxiades , which occurs in the same inscribed casualty-list ( ML 48 ) can be similarly explained .
23 Darren explained : ‘ They have graphite shafts which react in the same way as steel , but when you strike the ball they absorb the vibration .
24 It is worth comparing a text of Papinian in the same title which deals with the same question , but which employs the perfectly acceptable expression per fideicommissum relicti .
25 The rest of us left Addis Ababa by train on the morning of 1 October 1933 , arriving three hours later at Mojjo , which consisted of a few sheds and huts .
26 Later and larger basilicas were roofed with concrete vaults which rested on a few , very large piers .
27 The idea was so daft she would have laughed except for the Captain 's searing glance , which rested for no more than a second on her before returning to burn into Midnight as he breathed :
28 Simultaneous with the emergence of the swept wing shape and its cambered sails stretched either side of a central spine , there were other innovations which arrived during the same development period .
29 She phoned for a taxi which arrived in a few minutes .
30 The subsection creates an obligation to consult the judiciary , not to be governed by their opinion , which amounts to no more than advice .
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