Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such uses provide an interesting point of comparison with auxiliary do which offers a first glimpse of the explanation for the use of the bare infinitive here .
2 Whilst thinking furiously about the play of the rest of the hand , you try the queen of hearts from dummy , which wins the first trick .
3 Owers showed no signs of rustiness , often winning the ball in midfield and supplying the deadly pass to Goodman which produced the first goal .
4 Spare Rib was already well established , and was joined for a period by the Leveller , another collective magazine , and the East End News , which produced the first attempt to appeal to ‘ the masses ’ of East London by dressing up Right-On concerns in chirpy Chas'n'Dave-style modernized Cockney .
5 The 46th Regiment of Foot ( which became The 2nd Battalion The Duke of Cornwall 's Light Infantry ) while engaged in the American War of Independence in 1777 , defeated an American force at Brandywine .
6 In his article ‘ Du Sujet dans la Peinture Moderne ’ ( which became the second section of Les Peintres Cubistes ) Apollinaire had written : ‘ Thus we are progressing towards an intensely new kind of art , which will be to painting what one had hitherto imagined music was to pure literature . ’
7 In the event it was Alaska which became the 49th State of the Union ( in 1959 ) but it could easily have been Coca-Colonial Britain .
8 His concerns are moral and religious , and in certain respects , therefore , although they appear to be out of line with the literary culture of Sidonius and his sixth-century followers , they do look back to the moral response which met the first wave of the barbarian invasions .
9 The large urban local authorities which remain the last bastion of Labour power have tried to undercut New Right attacks by improving the efficiency and quality of their services , and becoming more responsive to their users ( Fenwick 1989 ; Young 1991 ) .
10 We survived the Thirties and the war , we sold successfully up to 1987 ( a flourish of porcelain animals and birds sold out 90 per cent before the opening party , immediately after Black Monday in the City ) ; even in 1991 we had secured a collection which made the first half of the year look profitable .
11 Indeed it was this economic growth which made the Second Empire so important for 19th- and even 20th-century France .
12 Albert panicked , and put the receiver down , which made the next attempt more difficult .
13 It is the profusion of flowers which make the first impression on visitors although fruit and vegetables are grown as well .
14 Quite often it is the clearing banks which make the first move by announcing a base rate change before the Bank alters its intervention rates .
15 It will all depend on the choice to be made by the national legislatures , and in the case of countries which make the third choice the employee 's option not to transfer may give the worker no more than he or she already has under the Mikkelsen doctrine i.e. the option of going over or resigning from employment with the transferor .
16 Ten of the 25 practices in the Oxford Regional Health Authority which entered the first wave of the fundholding scheme were asked to continue collecting referral data for a further year .
17 Amdahl Corp is not known as an IBMulator for nothing : it too is cutting its dividend — to five cents a share this year from a dime last year , in an effort to conserve its capital base : the company , which reported a first quarter $240m loss after a $243m restructuring charge said its revenues were lower than expected because of soft economic conditions and competitive pressure on prices .
18 Amdahl Corp is not known as an IBMulator for nothing : it too is cutting its dividend — to five cents a share this year from a dime last year , in an effort to conserve its capital base : the company , which reported a first quarter $240m loss after a $243m restructuring charge — figures , page seven — said its revenues were lower than expected because of soft economic conditions and competitive pressure on prices ; it also said that while it was committed to the IBMulator business , it plans to expand its open systems products line because demand is increasing in that field ; it is also enhancing our Huron applications development and production system , which creates applications that run without change in both proprietary and open environments and on both large and desktop systems , the company added , saying that its objective is to turn Huron into an industry standard and to develop a growing business in open systems for large-scale computing .
19 It had been one of Gregory 's first acts as pope to invest and consecrate him as bishop of Die , and to follow this up with a letter to the count of Die which contains a first draft of his later decree prohibiting the investiture of bishops by secular rulers .
20 On the popular front is Mireille Johnston 's Complete French Cookery Course , Part 2 ( BBC ) , which accompanies the second television series .
21 The pattern of pitch which accompanies the first clause or group of words will be recognised by an English listener as in some way complete and it will hold it together as a separate unit and separate it from the following clause , which will also be held together by intonation .
22 It was also known as , which has a second meaning , ‘ an irritable person ’ .
23 A finite ladder of identical symmetric sections , which has the last section loaded with the characteristic impedance in order that all sections are so loaded , is said to be correctly terminated .
24 The pro-nuclear scientists say it was a necessary prototype which spawned the next generation of power stations .
25 Chairman , he wo n't have to , it 's like this , he wo n't have to worry as they did when the televisions which caused the last fire in the House of Commons , I mean , set fire to them and er , caused that one .
26 Few mystical treatises get off to a more intriguing start than The Fire of Love , which describes the first time Rolle became aware of a heat in his breast which , he insists , was not imaginary or metaphorical but which could be felt as a finger felt the heat of the flames in which it had been thrust .
27 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
28 The second part is a quantitative study which complements the first part .
29 On one side is a reiteration of the Whiggish , teleological view of history which dominated the nineteenth century , demonstrating present western culture as the result of a continuous enlightenment and development of civilisation from the beginnings of the early modern period until the present .
30 It 's still used for target practice — a poignant reminder of the Cold War , the end of which heralded the last post for RAF Hullavington .
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