Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The evidence is provided by a number of low scarps which wind for considerable distances across the Mercurian surface .
2 Majority opinion in the ILP was best expressed in the resolution moved on behalf of the Rugby Branch , which argued for continued affiliation on the basis of a satisfactory revision of Parliamentary Standing Orders .
3 Many of the concepts explained may appear to be self-evident but their thorough understanding will assist the reader in later chapters which concentrate on international banks , markets and financial flows .
4 MSC are opposed to schemes which can be defined by them as political or critical of prevailing government policy — in practice , this leaves courses for women which concentrate on traditional job skills and traditional job expectations — even though those skills are not valued in the present economic climate and the opportunities for women in the labour market are negligible .
5 In this way it is different from the bulk colonial films which concentrate on white men 's adventures and dramas .
6 Intercity buses in the United States carry 375 million passengers a year across more than a billion miles — quite a legacy from the first US bus service which operated on Long Island in 1899 .
7 " Land and Liberty " became the name of an amorphous political movement which operated in various parts of the Russian Empire between 1861 and 1863 and strove to convert the radicalism engendered by the emancipation into action .
8 The coal companies that won the contracts to operate in the Dukeries were experienced in the organization of large workforces which operated in difficult conditions and were potentially prone to industrial unrest .
9 When market day came there was scarce any buying or selling , for all were " labouring for the bread which endureth to eternal life " .
10 also relied on the reluctance of Viscount Simonds expressed in In re ‘ Wonderland , ’ Cleethorpes [ 1965 ] A.C. 58 , 70–71 , to construe an ambiguity in a statute in a manner which derogated from common law rights .
11 Polls in most states open today at 6am local time , which translated into British time means 11am for New York and 2pm for California .
12 Out of the surplus-value which is unproductively consumed there will obviously be a portion which goes on personal consumption .
13 He makes his screen debut in The Power Of One , a powerful Warner Brothers production which goes on general release this weekend .
14 Their decisions largely dictate the use of all resources and they must accept the management responsibility which goes with clinical freedom .
15 Like most other oppressive systems , apartheid education has had an impact on individuals , families and communities which goes beyond economic disadvantage and even political disenfranchisement .
16 So United States courts have declared invalid service which met the requirements of state law or of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure but which did not meet the terms of the convention and a Netherlands court has refused to grant exequatur to a Belgian judgment granted after service which complied with Belgian law but not the convention 's requirements .
17 When Laura came to stay , and swept into church in an Easter bonnet of her own devising which quivered with artificial lilac , and laughed out loud at a tiny joke in Peter 's sermon , to encourage him , one of the churchwardens wrote to the Bishop .
18 Conventional turnkey CAD systems use a geometric data base , storing data about single entities which combine into geometric models .
19 Here a discreet entrance boasts cool marble floors and imposing columns which combine with fine wood and soft lighting for an impressive welcome .
20 To begin with there is no single ability , rather there are several like speed , accuracy , strength , endurance and resilience which combine in manifold ways to determine the ‘ raw material ’ to be shaped .
21 Adorno thus argued that Lukács 's aesthetics was an example of identity-thinking , because his realism privileged works of art which correspond with social reality .
22 FHSAs ( which correspond to non-metropolitan counties and to metropolitan boroughs ) hold large databases on services provided by general practitioners ; for instance , uptake of immunization and screening for breast and cervical cancers .
23 Notice that , in this degenerate point group , the 12 vibrational degrees of freedom result in only 8 distinct vibration frequencies , 4 of which correspond to doubly-degenerate modes , and that neither the IR nor the Raman spectrum contains bands due to all eight modes .
24 However , there is one part of the package header which differs from other module headers — Module Relations .
25 MAS policy on the presentation of financial data which differs from audited data is that :
26 For the other to remain other it must not derive its meaning from History but must instead have a separate time which differs from historical time .
27 First , are we to regard the welfare state , which fits uneasily , if at all , into a Marxist scheme , as a new type of state , which differs in fundamental respects from the state as it existed in the laissez-faire capitalist societies of the nineteenth century ?
28 A FOREIGN module is basically a module header , which points to other files that may not themselves be readable and may be impossible to store as source modules in LIFESPAN .
29 First , in many cases the previous foreign owners of those companies which passed into local ownership , either private or state , were invited to continue as managers for which they received a management fee .
30 Muscle strips were maintained under a tension of 3 g , which produced near optimal contraction and experiments were commenced after a stabilisation period of two hours , which was found necessary in preliminary studies to ensure consistent muscle performance .
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