Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The Special Discount is being continued on the same basis ( see page 2 ) and for those policies which qualify for the first time the increase is offset by approximately 6% .
2 The Front comprised political and religious organizations and parties based in Iraq and Jordan , including the Moslem Brotherhood , which agreed for the first time to co-operate without preconditions with nationalist and non-religious groups .
3 Carry on like this throughout the row until only one is left , which goes on the last needle , overlapping the one already on it .
4 For the clubs , as ever , the issue is money , most of which goes to the First Division .
5 It is at this point that the second contradiction — between working class and bourgeoisie — which differs from the first in expressing an opposition of interests rather than an incompatibility of structures , assumes great importance .
6 In fact the members took it to a European court and spent a lot of their own money — twenty five thousand pounds — to try and get a discrimination judgement out of the European court , which failed at the last hurdle really , we think on political grounds really .
7 It may be convenient for the last record to have a pointer which points to the first record in that list , in which case the list is a circular list , ring or chain ( see Figure 5.11 ) .
8 The Poles looked back to two periods of greatness — the kingdom of the Piasts , which disintegrated in the twelfth century , and that of the Jagiellonians under whose rule Poland 's frontiers were extended from the Baltic to the Black Sea .
9 Cotton paper used to be made with cotton rags but is now made from cotton linters , which refers to the second harvest from the cotton plant .
10 Note it is important in that case that not only the settlor but the spouse of the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time of the last to die otherwise the property would not be in an excluded property settlement — see s80(1) which refers to the last of the spouse or the settlor to cease to be beneficially entitled to an interest in possession .
11 The most fundamental need was to increase the area of water by the provision and enlargement of wet-docks and basins , the total acreage of which doubled over the last quarter of the eighteenth century as a prelude to a much greater expansion between 1800 and 1830 .
12 It has reached that level in half a century , for 50 years ago today the experiment was begun which led to the first recorded observation of this polymer .
13 It used to be said that it was the attempt by the Seljuks to prevent Christians from reaching Jerusalem which led to the First Crusade .
14 An idea of the complexity of this process can be gauged from the events which led to the first successful casting of iron cannon in Sussex , at Buxted in 1543 .
15 There was one last wave as they crossed the stone bridge before swinging away right , up the long gentle pull which led to the first draw .
16 Appointed principal of the Calcutta School of Art and keeper of the Government Art Gallery in 1896 , a post he held until 1906 , he was responsible for momentous changes in the art-school curriculum which led to the first Indian nationalist art movement , the Bengal School of Painting , under the artist Abanindranath Tagore .
17 The talks which led to the first Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement ( SALT I ) were confined to the Russians and Americans .
18 In the second half it was pretty much a similar story , Leeds pressing from the start , then a Soton injury , then a lovely classy move which led to the first goal .
19 At the back of this room there was a door which led into the second room .
20 Late in 1950 the French Minister of Agriculture , Pierre Pflimlin , announced at the Council of Europe — and proposed later in March 1951 to the non-member states of Austria , Portugal and Switzerland — something which amounted to a second Schuman Plan , in that it contained similar ultimate objectives : a common market directed by supranational institutions .
21 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
22 Similarly it seems unlikely that the reader will bother to construct a three-dimensional , photographic representation of ‘ the baby ’ which cries in the first sentence and which is picked up in the second sentence .
23 The nearest you get to this is the thrilling moment at the end of Act One when , as though he had engendered them , the thunder and lightning which usher in the next act and a complete change of country , melodramatically erupt during Iago 's concluding lines .
24 It was interesting to note that in each of his previous six lives , which ranged from the fifteenth century to the late 1890s , Martin had been given the opportunity to be a ‘ teacher ’ .
25 This is the opportunity for senior managers to endorse warnings for vigilance or diligence , which they do occasionally , and for sergeants to review both the incidents which occurred on the last shift and the matters which need special attention on the present one .
26 Look back at any crises which occurred over the last few years .
27 The changes in the constellation of European powers which occurred during the eighteenth century had an indirect bearing on the destiny of the South Slav peoples .
28 Margolis , in a similar study , found that there was an initial build-up of citations which occurred until the third year after publication .
29 Furthermore , in the great flowering of Viennese intellectual life which occurred in the last decade of the nineteenth century , the party contributed a galaxy of famous intellectuals — Karl Kautsky ( who , through his journal , Neue Zeit , and his role in the German party , became the most influential Marxist of his time ) , Victor Adler himself and his mentor , Carl Gruneberg , Max Adler , Otto Bauer , Rudolf Hilferding , Karl Renner etc .
30 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
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