Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] [noun] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 A neat bit of rewriting there ; the real Richard was one of the leaders of the Second Crusade which laid waste to Palestine , before ending up with a score-draw against the Arabs whose land he was invading .
2 It is a prospect the Rowes dread and one which adds weight to Jan 's claim that unless something is done to eliminate the badgers carrying TB , there will never be a long enough period between outbreaks in the herd to do any sensible farming .
3 I 'd like you to open this pack please , which has January to June .
4 WH : ‘ We 've got a new song called ‘ Hats Off To Eldorado ’ which has references to Woody Allen in it .
5 Despite some earlier hesitations , it is now certain that A commits the tort of intimidation against C if he threatens B with conduct which is unlawful in relation to B and thereby intentionally causes B to act ( or refrain from acting ) in a way which causes damage to C. It is not a requirement of this tort that B's conduct be in any way unlawful in relation to C. An old illustration is Garret v. Taylor , where the plaintiff was the lessee of a quarry and alleged that the defendant had ‘ disturbed ’ his customers and his workmen by ‘ threatening to mayhem and vex them with suits if they had brought any stones . ’
6 Channel 4 's ‘ Brookside ’ briefly flirted with a lesbian sub-plot based round a disorganised feminist printing collective which added spice to Heather and Nicholas 's conjugal difficulties .
7 His ultimate conversion , after long and courteous discussions which added cubits to Gandhi 's stature , provided a timely justification of the latter 's claim to leadership .
8 She even had , by the classical period , Long Walls running down to Lechaion harbour , like those which joined Athens to Piraeus ; and she had a decent-sized navy : the Corinthians lent twenty ships to Athens before the Persian Wars and contributed forty in the Persian Wars themselves , and they had ninety ships at the battle of Sybota ( p. 89 ) .
9 In the face of a common enemy , Serbs , Croats , Italians and Vlahs were able to unite in defence of the Dalmatian city states which owed allegiance to Venice .
10 In the middle of the ninth century one of the Serbian chieftains , Vlastimir , became grand župan ( veliki župan ) of a Serbian principality which owed allegiance to Byzantium .
11 He fought a vigorous battle for the right of the Croat Church — at this time under the patriarchate of Aquilaea , which owed allegiance to Byzantium — to use the Slavonic liturgy and the glagolitic alphabet , in opposition to the Roman influences of the neighbouring bishopric of Split .
12 ‘ There are no winners or losers , ’ Mr Levy said , adding that Mr Shamir promised that Mr Levy 's supporters would get key jobs in parliament , party committees , and the quasi-governmental Jewish Agency , which arranges migration to Israel .
13 The 1941 paper from Oxford led to some comments in the press , which included reference to Fleming and to Oxford , but Fleming 's first substantial clinical observation with penicillin appears to have occurred in August 1942 , when a patient , an employee of Fleming 's brother 's optical firm , was failing to respond to treatment for meningitis in St Mary 's Hospital .
14 In turn , the UN Security Council is acting unlawfully in adopting Resolution 731 , which applies sanctions to Libya , since the UN Charter ( article 36 , paragraph 2 ) states that : ‘ The Security Council should take into consideration any procedures for the settlement of the dispute which have already been adopted by the parties . ’
15 Mariana is yoked in an arranged marriage to her uncle , Philip IV ; she , as representative of the Spanish crown , is also a representative of the colonial and religious yokes which bound Mexico to Spain .
16 the Conversational Monitor System ( CMS ) which facilitates terminal to CMS communication by means of commands and system messages .
17 The accounts were eventually brought before the Review Panel , which took exception to Trafalgar 's decision in the 1991 accounts to revalue and transfer a number of commercial properties from developments for sale , under current assets , to tangible fixed assets .
18 This errand of death which took Nizan to Spain for the fourth time within fourteen months was symbolically appropriate .
19 Said Sheher , the man who organised the competition which brought contestants to Whitby from all over the United Kingdom as well as Belgium and Germany , said : ‘ Karate is a rough sport . ’
20 Joey Smallwood , during his 23 years as Liberal premier , did several dreadful deals in hopes of quick riches : from the oil refinery at appropriately named Come by Chance to the sale of hydroelectric power from Churchill Falls , which brought wealth to Quebec instead , as the middleman supplier to New England .
21 The nationwide hunt for the maker of the explosives is centred in Grampian , where detectives are also investigating a possible link with last week 's elaborate hoax which brought chaos to Aberdeen .
22 This was n't even by the rusty old tramp which brought stores to Danu once a month , but on a smaller wooden vessel , captained by a cut-throat old Bugi from Makassar , whose bilge pumps were perpetually squirting a drooping arc of water from the sides .
23 I believe erm the rulers of Kuwait at the time were very erm wise to make such treaty with the British for the protection of their country and the British respected the Kuwait autonomy at the time and this joint erm respect for each other I believe which gave rise to Kuwait to be what it is today .
24 We 've seen Turners opposing each other for Australia and New Zealand , Richardses for West Indies and England , Manns for England and South Africa ( they both dismissed each other during the 1948–49 series , but it was George catching Tufty which gave rise to John Arlott 's legendary comment about ‘ Mann 's inhumanity to Mann ’ ) , and yet more Smiths ( T.P.B. and F.B. ) for England and New Zealand and for England ( D.V. ) against West Indies ( O.G. ) .
25 Ludlow may reasonably be taken as the actual founder of the movement : it was his earlier experience of social visiting among the London poor , and his knowledge of the French co-operatives , which gave content to Maurice 's theological groundwork .
26 Meanwhile , Benjamin Jowett [ q.v. ] started an inquiry into the alleged deterioration in the quality of Oxford 's printing which gave impetus to Hart 's re-equipment and extension of the machine-room .
27 J. The most famous scene which attracts tourists to Northern Ireland is the Giant 's Causeway , a mass of pillars of basalt rock on the northern coast of the Antrim plateau .
28 The Klausen Pass trip from Uri to Glarus can be made by a postbus service which operates July to September from Fluelen via Altdorf , the sector flurglen to Linthal being classed as a mountain postroad .
29 A major factor in his Free Church uncle 's disapproval of his nephew 's way of life was William 's enrolment in the 1st Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers ( reaching the rank of lieutenant-colonel before retiring in 1908 ) , which ran counter to Fraser 's pacifist views .
30 The drug aniracetam , which potentiates responses to AMPA by preventing desensitization , has been used to explore how AMPA receptors may be modulated in LTP .
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