Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] [vb past] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 There are other omissions , too , which Purcell did not make good , quite apart from the dances which Shedlock noted were missing — the overture , for one .
2 Ludens saw , on top of a closed suitcase in a corner , the curious light-brown cap which Marcus had been wearing when Ludens had seen him first , through the window of Red Cottage .
3 He lay on his side , holding the covers over him by their edges , gazing at some of his copies of Vogue , which Tessa had been looking through and left lying on the carpet in front of the fire , where they glowed pink and red .
4 As soon as Fiver had found a place to clamber out , he led the way along the edge to the bank which Hazel had been looking at before Hawkbit spoke to him .
5 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
6 Richard used a new toothbrush which Martin had been saving fresh from the cellophane .
7 It was pointed out that from the early '60s onwards some parts of British manufacturing had been facing increased economic difficuIties , in particular because of heightened international competition , which firms had been adopting strategies to counter .
8 But , if underfloor engines and transmissions were to be used , they had to be in a different league of reliability and performance from the DMUs which BR had been running since the 1950s .
9 The skull smashed , apparently by a heavy mallet which Lorrimer had been examining .
10 Then she pulled up to the table the kitchen chair upon which Jack had been sitting and sat down , placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands .
11 In focusing on that sphere of life which provides the greatest potential for the expression of individual autonomy , urban sociology is uniquely equipped to chart a path out of the ‘ iron cage ’ which Weber believed was encompassing the whole of modern society .
12 Gilbert retrieved the portable equipment which Frye had been using and led the way gingerly to the corridor , asking weakly : ‘ Which door ?
13 Theoretically , therefore , the statutes made possible the social transformation for which liberals had been striving .
14 The loss of Ozawa was seen by many as a serious blow to Kaifu 's position , not least because it removed the chief architect of the process of co-operation between the LDP , Komeito and the DSP which Ozawa had been constructing in the Diet .
15 There was a perfect grace which architects had been working towards through the seventeenth century and which seemed to peak in its purest form at about this time , not without a little Royal influence from Holland !
16 While just behind it , standing still and staring towards Minch 's cage , the shape that had seemed to loom so large , as if it was one of the standing stones of which Minch had been speaking , became the shape of a man .
17 He sighed deeply and rolled away from Zambia , presenting his lean back which Zambia decided was wearing an expression of stubbornness .
18 But it was not this group , as Allen knew , with which America had been dealing .
19 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
20 The language used to describe this is reminiscent of Harrison , as well as clearly relating to the technique of Charlie Mears , Tiresias , and the dromenon- like patterning with which Eliot had been experimenting in the quatrain poems .
21 This old way , ‘ With an alien people clutching their gods ’ , looks back to the savage world which Eliot had been exploring , the world trapped in the ritual of ‘ birth , and copulation , and death ’ .
22 At the end of this campaign it looked at last as if the time of peace had come , when the Council for which Anselm had been pressing for the past four years could be held with royal support .
23 Chevron surge : BP declined to comment on speculation it is buying Chevron shares , which analysts said were continuing a recent surge following rumours the oil company may restructure .
24 I did n't have another bridesmaid , nor did I have Southall in a cart , which Clare had been training him for , as a surprise for me .
25 It was the vehicle for which Crawford had been looking .
26 Having completed our ‘ good for us ’ walk , we settled down by one of the two huge log fires with our paperbacks in the happy anticipation that tea would arrive promptly at four and would consist of improbably thinly cut home-made bread and butter and other bakings , whose smell had been pervading the lounge for some time with forecasts of gratifications to come .
27 ‘ Ought we to try to get away ? ’ whispered Snodgrass , whose mind had been going along similar paths .
28 That increase resulted in the rest of the world overtaking the European Community , whose investment had been falling since 1987 , reaching an all-time low in 1991 , with a share of just over 3 per cent .
29 He took advantage of the situation that resulted following the death of the Emperor Henry VI , whose troops had been threatening Rome .
30 Crevecoeur had for a brief , intoxicating time enjoyed intimate relations with Ms Micklemas , an affair whose firepower had been skyfilling and radiant and whose energy devoured itself within two weeks .
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