Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] we [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 Erm , if we are asking Mr to look at the long-term viability and the ways of preserving that , those options may be other than option one which was what you moved , and I think it 's rather premature to actually go down a road that says we preserve it in it 's present form with some disposals , when , we are asking for a report for it 's future viability , which may mean complete disposal , or may not , and I think , that , that 's why I 've seconded Mr 's amendment , because it 's right we should wait for that that report to come to property , know the full facts , and then we can make a decision as to which option we want for the County Farms estate .
2 It is not the question of what in general we say when we assert such conditionals , or what they are about , but the question of what reasons we have for saying what we do .
3 ‘ I have to show you what provisions we have for medical emergencies down there — lifelines , resuscitation equipment , that sort of thing .
4 Intuitively , it would seem desirable that whatever account we give for the role of an expression like in other words in a phrasal apposition like [ 10 ] we give the same account for its role in a reformulation involving complete sentences , for example [ 9 ] .
5 Against the background of this account of perception as something indirect , with ideas figuring as intermediaries between our minds and material things , Malebranche discusses what reason we have for our usual supposition that the material world exists at all .
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