Example sentences of "[be] seen [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Between the months of December and January a solitary woman can often be seen progressing through the vineyards removing the twists of wire which had been used the previous spring to attach the vines to the guide wires .
2 Black kites can still be seen soaring between the sky-scrapers .
3 The tiny fry ( about 1.5mm ) will be seen darting around the container and they can be removed by using a pipette or a teaspoon .
4 Twenty four hours after spawning , the eggs will hatch , and the minute fry can be seen wriggling on the bottom of the tank under the spawning mops .
5 He was occasionally to be seen wandering through the house in his cream linen jacket , college tie — Gonville and Caius , you were meant to know — and flat cap ( in our house a flat cap would have been common ; here it was posh and probably indicated that you used to go beagling ) .
6 ‘ Attendance at external courses must be justified against training objectives or be seen to acquire for the county library some new or up-date skill/ knowledge/experience which would otherwise be a noticeable gap ’ .
7 To identify people by name can be seen to detract from the objectivity of the report .
8 This relatively explicit form can be seen to modulate into the process of association of particular works with particular powerful names : the patron , in effect , as dedicatee .
9 Even when hunched on the top step , no chink can be seen leaking around the doorframe , because it is perfectly insulated with foam plastic strip .
10 In fact there is a direct continuation inland for several miles of the algal mat that can be seen forming on the beach at the present day .
11 In vertebrates , shortly after gastrulation , the brain can be seen forming at the anterior end of the embryo .
12 They buried the bodies of those who had died on the boat , but had to leave the others where they were for grypesh could be seen prowling on the bank .
13 During the summer , when Sirius rises heliacally , only twelve of these divisions of the sky can be seen rising during the hours of darkness , and it was this that led to the twelve-hour division of the night .
14 The guide took his place at centre stern and , after the raft had turned in a circle to adjust itself to the current , the paddling rhythm set in to send it down-river towards the white foam that could be seen rising between the distant boulders .
15 Suddenly , at about 3 o'clock , a pall of thick black smoke could be seen rising from the town and shortly afterwards came flames and then loud crackling was heard .
16 Especially notable is the approach view from the road bridge , where the vast pile can be seen rising from the banks of the great river .
17 They just want to be seen calling at the house . ’
18 The china souvenirs can be seen displayed in the background .
19 The water surface then acts as an entrapping wall , although individual fish will often be seen flying through the air trying to avoid capture .
20 The last of the swallows had gone long ago and now the black outline of rooks could be seen flying around the ploughed fields looking for grubs .
21 Now they can be seen strolling around the city alongside their mahouts or drivers , or earning their living as tourist attractions , tethered to hotel lawns and bars .
22 That case can thus be seen to proceed on the same basis as the colore officii cases .
23 These can be seen dotted about the vineyards , either lit manually by the vigneron when the temperature drops to freezing setting off noisy alarms in the middle of the night , or fed by an automatic system which fires the burners by thermostatic control .
24 Again the notebooks can be seen moving in the right direction with ‘ Svidrigailov : I 'm happy to go to America at once , but somehow nobody really wants to . ’
25 The Northern Ireland Office was shaken to its foundations and accepted that it had to curtail drastically the activities of the Provisional IRA and be seen to move against the more violent gangsters in loyalist urban districts .
26 The family coat of arms can be seen carved at the main doorway of the house and in the Church .
27 The emblem of the Parlers , a runic square , can be seen carved in the base .
28 Groups of Muslim demonstrators retaliated by attacking the nearby Holiday Inn with small arms and grenades in an effort to dislodge several snipers who could be seen firing from the hotel 's upper floors .
29 Thus the responsibility for unemployment would be seen to lie with the unemployed , who would then be seen to be personally responsible for their own unemployment , poverty , etc .
30 The justification for doing the work might be seen to lie in the material benefits it produced .
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