Example sentences of "[be] used [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It can also be used to fill small tomatoes as a tasty starter .
2 It will be necessary to decide on the amount of resource to be invested in management development , and what mechanism should be used to allocate these resources .
3 In Chapter 3 , we saw that , for general LPs , a two-phase method , maximising in Phase I , could be used to tackle such problems .
4 It has also brought about a real improvement in waste management , showing how the quality improvement process can be used to tackle environmental problems .
5 In addition , scanning electron microscopy , both of solid specimens and of etched thin sections ( e.g. Sandberg , 1985 ) , can be used to confirm further deductions based on thin section petrography ( see Chapter 8 ) .
6 The authority was opposed to the use of the equipment by its force and was ‘ very concerned that such weapons should not be used to quell public demonstrations or riots because of the likelihood of serious personal injury or death thereby resulting to individuals ’ .
7 If one read the linguistic signs as pointing to something vaguely beyond the poem , to ‘ Something evermore about to be ’ ( Prelude 1805 , vi , 542 ) , then the poetry could be used to support innumerable creeds .
8 Pick Systems delivered , and realised in the process that the serial-port support could equally well be used to support dumb terminals .
9 However , the initial investigation had revealed that there was some potential for the use of a computer to support the primary functions ( ie identifying and meeting resident needs ) , which in addition could be used to support other tasks , such as processing financial transactions and records .
10 In the National Certificate in Scotland there are already such generic units and these can be used to support occupational programmes .
11 The information will be used to support British contributions to international programmes on the assessment of hazardous chemicals , including a proposed European Community regulation .
12 Selected policy issues will be used to explore these aspects of central-local relations , using documentary study and structured interviews .
13 The look superb in white and can be used to cool hot colours such as red and yellow schemes .
14 Any of the above techniques may be used to generate new solutions of Ernst 's equation .
15 Techniques such as ‘ brain storming ’ and ‘ lateral thinking ’ can be used to generate such alternatives ( see Mullins , 1989 , Ch. 14 ) .
16 The Act can also be used to acquire ancillary rights needed in the national interest to facilitate the working of minerals .
17 She wanted university endowments to be used to fund poor preachers and scholars from humble backgrounds .
18 Implementation is capable of different strategies which may and should be used to suit different circumstances .
19 However , the trend is growing for expert determination to be used to resolve all aspects of a dispute arising under a contract , and not just one category of technical aspects .
20 In the case of international law what the institutions of positive law have to offer is a means for settling dangerous disputes and limiting the destructive powers which could be used to resolve those disputes in an unacceptable manner .
21 In theory , the media can be used to promote certain policies though , in practice , this is not often the case , partly because broadcasting , the obvious channel , needs to attract advertising to finance itself and , since educational programmes do not often have mass appeal , they are unlikely to draw in the necessary funding .
22 The artefact may be used to promote fine distinctions through its relation to extremely sophisticated mechanisms or perceptual discrimination which tend to remain outside of consciousness .
23 All available communication channels should be used to promote these techniques .
24 The legitimate aim of raising the consciousness and expectations of old women must not be used to deny old women the right to determine their own future and lifestyles ( Hughes and Mtezuka , 1992 , p. 237 ) .
25 These courses could be used to improve existing skills as well as to provide training for newcomers to the industry — be they school leavers or persons purchasing a farm .
26 The union fears that the Government intends to link merit pay and promotion to an appraisal scheme , and believes that instead it should be used to improve professional skills .
27 The injection of a suitable label into embryonic cavities can be used to mark superficial cells lining the cavity and to follow their ingression .
28 A long tradition , expert and lay , which linked the two together , is still affecting attitudes and behaviour today so that the formal distinctions of grammatical gender systems can be used to mark social distinctions as well .
29 However , this analysis is important in showing that it is not rational expectations itself which produces the result that monetary policy can not be used to stabilize real variables in the economy ; rather , it is the combination of rational expectations and a particular class of model .
30 PAL can be used to broadcast wide-screen pictures ( for display in cinema-screen shape on a new kind of set ) only if viewers with existing receivers are prepared to tolerate a picture like a letterbox .
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