Example sentences of "[be] made in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , if the question before the court is to be decided on the basis of the attitude adopted by Her Majesty 's Government , an order can not be made in favour of the interim government or Crossman Block .
2 A defendant 's costs order may be made in favour of an acquitted defendant by the Crown Court or a magistrates ' court .
3 A residence order may be made in favour of two or more people who are not living together and may specify the period which the child shall spend in each household ( s10(4) ) .
4 Cheesecakes used to be made in quantity for the feast .
5 If real progress is to be made in IT in future we must solve the problem of specifying the need and thus pull through the use of IT as well as the technology itself .
6 A formal announcement will be made in Parliament by the end of the month .
7 Rest assured , too , that this payment in the event of accidental death would be made in addition to any bonuses earned by your policy in the period preceding your death .
8 The disclosures required by the following paragraphs should be made in addition to those required by paragraphs 22 , 28 , 29 , 32 , 34 , 44 and 46 above .
9 The effect of this accounting on a stepped interest bond is that the overall effective interest cost will be charged in each accounting period : an accrual will be made in addition to the cash payments in earlier periods and will reverse , partially offsetting the higher cash payments , in later periods .
10 The first point to be made in response to this is that current Soviet initiatives are clearly designed to foster a positive attitude towards the USSR as a country which has a viable socio-economic system and offers valuable commercial opportunities , rather than trying to incite the masses to Soviet-style revolution .
11 This demand has to be made in conjunction with demands for greater control over public housing , by those who inhabit it .
12 Decisions about advertising expenditure will usually be made in conjunction with assessments about the position of the product in its life-cycle .
13 If it should be made in conjunction with the Corvedale line , assuming that the capital is raised for that line , it may be too late then to enquire how trains are to run from Lydham village to Bishop 's Castle , which now might be placed on the main line , or what expenditure will be necessary to make the roads to Lydham village as suitable for the inhabitants of Norbury , Wentnor , &c. , as those over which they at present travel to Lydham Heath .
14 The selection of the preferred bidder will be made in conjunction with the client and may well hinge on factors other than the highest price ( i.e. intentions or nature of consideration ) .
15 Here we need only note that all applications for a prerogative order are public actions ; and in some cases applications for declarations and injunctions must be made in accordance with Order 53 .
16 In Cocks v. Thanet DC the House of Lords applied this rule and held that an applicant who wanted to challenge a decision of a local authority to the effect that he was intentionally homeless and so not entitled to be housed , had to use AJR procedure because his only rights in respect of the decision were public law rights , namely that the decision would be made in accordance with rules of public law .
17 Wherever voters have indicated a further preference , transfers will be made in accordance with the same formula as is used for the transfer of a primary surplus : the surplus is divided by the number of transferable votes , multiplied by the number of papers in each continuing candidate 's sub.parcel .
18 The ICC Banking Commission decided not to consider the issues raised by the Australian bankers , pointing out , inter alia , that the legal nature of NVOCC bills was a legal determination to be made in accordance with the local law of the place of issuance or presentation of the bill .
19 Appointments to Council Tax posts will be made in accordance with the terms of the Council 's Code of Practice on Employee Redeployment and Transfer .
20 Where employees are transferred to posts within locations other than Chesser House , payments of excess travelling expenses/excess travelling time as appropriate will be made in accordance with the Council 's approved arrangements .
21 Valuations shall be made in accordance with ( a ) SSAP 9 revised and ( b ) the practice adopted by the Vendors for the 1989 Audited Accounts .
22 To manufacture a garnet disc brooch a two-piece mould would be made in day from a model , in which would be cast the skeleton of the brooch in silver .
23 The new lines and equipment would be added to the bill , but charges might still be made in error for removed equipment .
24 One further point should be made in relation to use as an indicator .
25 Similar observations can be made in relation to the development of management strategies in industrial relations at the level of the individual enterprise .
26 A similar point about the way in which labour market structures and processes limit educational reform can be made in relation to gender .
27 The location of the fieldwork meant that little comment could be made in relation to differences which might arise from work in an inner-city area with a significant ethnic minority population .
28 An administration order can not be made in relation to a company which has gone into liquidation ( s. 8(4) Insolvency Act 1986 ) .
29 The same claim , however , can not be made in relation to the social aspects of housing — central heating , play space , garden , location of housing , garage , etc .
30 In addition to normal Exchequer payments into the fund , further payments can be made in relation to property accepted in satisfaction of tax debts .
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