Example sentences of "[be] made to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A coloured variation can be made to simple cable panels .
2 Section 8 of the Railways Act 1974 allows grant payments to be made to suitable applicants , provided that there will be a significant environmental benefit , the anticipated expenditure is of a capital not revenue nature , British Rail will carry the desired freight , the rail freight facilities will encourage a transfer from road to rail and that , relatively speaking , the wanted rail freight facilities would not be viable without a Section 8 payment .
3 However , it seems unlikely that it was intended that less disclosure should be made to private customers than to professionals .
4 The rules appear to assume that a higher level of disclosure should be made to private customers , but unless the common law rules are altered by reference to the entirety of the rules and the assumptions in them rather than to a specific rule , this result may not be achieved .
5 ‘ Did you then suggest to the management team that , although the administrative assistants were arguing for party with the statistical clerks , reference should be made to similar groups in the private sector ? ’
6 Mr Dmitry Volkogonov , one of the President 's closest aides , stressed that ‘ corrections ’ would be made to economic policy .
7 Here , each component is established within its own local space , allowing modifications and additions to be made to each model independently .
8 MS 9 What alterations , if any , would you suggest be made to existing arrangements ( in association with existing other distribution officer ) ?
9 Reference will be made to fuller reviews at appropriate points in the text .
10 Whatever is good in the writings of others should be copied , and constant reference should be made to such books as an English grammar , Roget 's Thesaurus and a good dictionary .
11 Of course the response which is likely to be made to such objections is that God works with human beings , so that only when human society has reached a certain stage of development does it become appropriate to ordain women .
12 Although some adjustment would have to be made to new criteria for apportioning teaching time , these subjects were not new .
13 Where other appropriate methods exist reference will be made to useful sources of information .
14 Also I think that in criteria nine , that reference should be made to unacceptable coalescence being avoided .
15 Everyone will be allowed to view the original design sketch , only the " designer " menu will allow modifications to be made to that level of data .
16 The conceptual basis for judicial review over the conditions of jurisdiction has already been examined , and reference should be made to that discussion when reading what follows .
17 Easier , in the sense that it bans Germanic tricks to limit the transfer of ownership ; but more difficult by requiring an offer to be made to all shareholders at the same price , once a firm has accumulated 30% of the shares .
18 ( 3 ) The offer must be made to all shareholders of the same class and shareholders must be allowed to accept in full for the relevant percentage of their holdings .
19 Grants may also be made to retired members of the College administrative staff where appropriate .
20 A section 6(2) order should be directed to individual transactions with payment being directed to be made to individual investors upon the individual investors retransferring their Euramco shares or delivering up their Euramco share certificates .
21 If however , a student achieves a level different from that which was anticipated then the centre should notify the National Certificate Unit , SCOTVEC , for the attention of the Education Officer ( Validation/Moderation ) and adjustments will be made to individual registrations .
22 However , they require the cuts to be made to high standards of accuracy so that the transition is made smoothly .
23 MEPs are to be lobbied in Brussels on Friday and approaches will be made to leading shareholders in DAF , including British Aerospace , which has an 11 per cent stake in the company .
24 Initial enquiries about the content of the data and access to them should be made to either Professor John Fox at City University or Ken Fogelman at the National Children 's Bureau .
25 What er more staff would mean is that more visits can be made to more HMO 's to put more of the problems right ; it 's , it 's just about that simple .
26 Category ( e ) should also cater for the situation where a payment may be made to another insurer in accordance with current market practice as opposed to a specific agreement , e.g. a Travel insurer may seek partial reimbursement from us as Home insurers having dealt with a claim which is covered under both policies .
27 IN Chapter 4 we described the transition into marriage , that process of disengagement from family , friends and the single state of mind that is necessary to enable a lifelong commitment to be made to another person .
28 Of course there are a number of modifications that need to be made to this analyser before it is able to cope well with general text .
29 Therefore reference must needs always be made to this history and to this person .
30 There are a number of objections that can be made to this kind of structuralism , although some of them are equally applicable to other branches of literary theory .
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