Example sentences of "[be] made of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The last remark could be made of financial problems also , yet , even in these hard times , it can hardly be said that insoluble money problems beset over half the population of Britain .
2 Alternatively something of a ritual might be made of inviting friends round to watch a particular programme .
3 It 's a good idea but the cones should be made of biodegradeable material like wood .
4 Of course , that epistemology faces problems of persuasive justification does not , by itself , entail that no use can be made of empirical beliefs .
5 An assessment will be made of geographical variations in the importance of game management and of the relative importance of the game industry for different social groupings .
6 Satellite TV facilities allow use to be made of Russian TV programmes and films .
7 The overriding emphasis in all this work was on the ‘ network ’ , which in silicates was found to be made of regular chains or layers of SiO4 molecules sharing common oxygens .
8 Miller was conscious of economy and recognised that from an aesthetic viewpoint the Duke must be gratified , but felt that good use could be made of cheaper material elsewhere .
9 And they turned out to be made of manmade fibres .
10 Many were so hard that they seemed to be made of solid wood while others shattered like eggshells , but were virtually empty .
11 The village will be made of solid oak and then exported , flat-pack style , to Tokyo .
12 If there are thought to be sufficient similarities between the markets in two or more countries , comparisons can be made of selected statistics from each .
13 The use to be made of new technology such as ‘ Office Power ’ and ‘ Imaging ’ .
14 Buckets therefore should be made of good quality , high density polythene , polypropylene or fibre glass with steel handles .
15 Work with oriented single crystals can give detailed information ; specialized texts ( see Ref. [ 7 ] , p. 63 ) should be consulted to enable the best use to be made of such experiments .
16 Use should be made of such things as plans of models , dress patterns , scale drawings , photographs , maps .
17 An examination must be made of such pegs and bolts for signs of corrosion , and there should always be at least two anchors at each stance .
18 A great advantage of these tests — one that was not found in ‘ real ’ tasks — is that sets of them can be made of equal difficulty .
19 Some mention might be made of possible defences under such circumstances .
20 We assumed the white hole to be made of homogeneous dust , that is , matter free of pressure .
21 In this case a proportionate refund will be made of prepaid travel and accommodation charges based on each day of the holiday lost .
22 So even if we agree that abolition was his intention and that that intention would have failed , if we consider also that it was mistaken anyway , we need pursue the point no further , except to add this : granted that the evil of insufficiently regulated competition is that it leads ultimately to the vicious exploitation of employees , the point can hardly be made of industrial co-operatives .
23 Full use should be made of visual aids and internal specialist advice should be taken .
24 Full use should be made of visual aids and internal specialist advice should be taken .
25 It is possible for the offline operator to indicate this at the operator terminal when asked to mount a media item on the unit , and no further requests will be made of that unit during that particular offline run .
26 Well not necessarily but if copies could be made of that page .
27 A checklist should be made of all cash , cheques and postal orders received through the post and handed to the cashier for entry into the appropriate records .
28 A strict record should be made of all orders placed which should be kept available for checking against delivery notes and or invoices .
29 Before turning to the all-important Accounts , mention must be made of other methods whereby information about a company is required to be disseminated .
30 Before leaving section I , mention should be made of one defence which is not available .
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