Example sentences of "[be] made [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before leaving section I , mention should be made of one defence which is not available .
2 Effective use can be made of two oboes playing in thirds .
3 The impressive free-standing sculptures on the podium of the building were shown to be made of two types of Pentelic marble .
4 Recipes disseminated by such bodies — one does appreciate that in the case of the Trappists a spokesman is essential — are bound to be suspect , but not all the public relations cookery experts are as cruelly antihumanitarian as the lady who publicized the traditional Welsh trifle for St David 's Day to be made with one tin of fruit salad and one packet of Birds Pineapple Instant Whip , a leek confected from angelica , piped cream , cocoa powder and desiccated coconut adding the finishing festive touches .
5 Two is the obvious number , but in certain circumstances a case could be made for one prisoner or three prisoners .
6 A lease can be made for five years subject to the tenant 's right to determine if the war ends before the expiry of five years .
7 In the case of a ballet interpreting music , strong distinctions can be made between two movements of different tempo .
8 In designing a course of study where a choice has to be made between two items , how available are they ?
9 In designing a course of study , where a choice has to be made between two items , how " available " are they ?
10 Reference is also made to other Anglican churches in the area as a choice may have to be made between one building and another .
11 This point can be made in two ways .
12 He organized chemical compounds into a series of ‘ types ’ ; but for him formulae were simply condensed recipes , and a compound which could be made in two ways might well have two different formulae .
13 Five X's can be made in one labour hour , whilst only two units of Y can be made in one labour hour .
14 Five X's can be made in one labour hour , whilst only two units of Y can be made in one labour hour .
15 The disposal must be made in one block of at least 75% of the shares in a body corporate .
16 Model lasts — from which 10 to 12 production lasts are made for left and right feet — have to be made in five widths for each of 10 sizes .
17 The journey to Sydney will be made in 18 stages , with stops in France , Italy , Crete , and the Middle East , before the long haul across India and then to Bangkok , Singapore , Jakarta and Bali .
18 A review of the project will be made in twelve months ' time .
19 Thomas started operational duties with the Beaufort , initially on mine-laying , but on September 11 he , with four other aircraft , carried out the first torpedo attack to be made by 22 Squadron with Beaufort aircraft .
20 The presentation of a complete proposal comprising system design , implementation plan and cost estimates must be made by 31 December 1984 .
21 4 12 hand towels can be made from 8 metres of towelling material .
22 4 12 hand towels can be made from 8 metres of towelling .
23 Also bear in mind that if you want to make some authentic-looking rose buds , each one will only need three or four petals , so several buds can be made from one flower .
24 Shifts could be made from one monoculture to another in response to market conditions and were made both in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ; but they were made without any fundamental change in the traditional crop economy or any mitigation of the problems of rural under-employment .
25 The technology does exist for recycling plastics but , for it to be successful , packaging would have to be made from one type of plastic only .
26 Claims can be made from 10 March 1992 .
27 How many towels can be made from 14 metres ?
28 How many could be made from 14 metres ?
29 It was made clear in a further policy statement that in those cases where the tariff was 20 years or more the reference to the local review committee would be made after 17 years had been served , though a warning was given that this did not imply that any particular period had been set for the prisoner 's tariff .
30 Application must be made before 1 April in each year .
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