Example sentences of "[be] made [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 The economics of service provision , and the arguments in favour of service concentration , especially when savings can be made across all the services ( Warford , 1969 ) have already been discussed in Chapter 4 .
2 From 1 January 1993 , disclosure will be made of all the business interests and those of connected persons of members of the Council and the new Lloyd 's Market Regulatory Boards .
3 Sufficiently accurate cost forecasts ( including consequential costs such as disruption to the works of introducing the decision ) should be made of all the possible options identified .
4 Before the Validation program may be run , the LIFESPAN system must be closed down , and a backup copy should be made of all the database files .
5 It would he a very revealing item of Bomber Command 's history were a tape to be made available today of that unfortunate telephone link-up , and for a cold assessment to be made of all the circumstances as known at the time .
6 He will require a check to be made on all the radio navigation and approach aids and reports to be produced .
7 Because generations of hard working and poorly-paid working people have shown enormous resilience and good humour in coping with substandard housing , polluted air , lifeless local rivers and streams and degraded surroundings , it does n't mean that efforts to improve air quality , the quality of rivers and also , no less , the quality of the surrounding landscape should not continue to be made with all the imagination and expertise the community has at its disposal .
8 Holes need to be made for all the connections : ballvalve , cold water feeds and overflow pipe .
9 The same point can be made about all the adjectives in ( 33 ) , e.g. former : ( 36 ) the former king is in prison till next June
10 Similar comments could be made about all the other examples given above .
11 At its worst extreme , and particularly where the panel is a voluntary committee , all of whom are giving their time for nothing , the selection may well be made without all the panel having interviewed the candidate .
12 The perambulations of the other forests were as little to the liking of the regents , and in December 1219 they ordered fresh perambulations to be made in all the forest counties .
13 It is clear that progress at UNCED will be made by all the participants that attend .
14 At the end of the fifteenth century , one enterprising family realised there was money to be made from all the foreign merchants , and turned their house into sort of prototype stock exchange .
15 The design process is recognised as being one of refinement , in which a number of iterations may need to be made before all the design goals are achievable .
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