Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 With some minor deviations — such as Paisley 's preference for fuller integration with the mainland in the early 1970s — the DUP has maintained the image of being the most traditional of the unionist parties and the one with the record of consistent opposition to any changes in the political structures of Northern Ireland which could be seen as compromise with nationalists and republicans .
2 His diminutive figure was always to be seen during battles with the opposition , and for this reason he gained exceptionally early admission to the Rowdies as a kind of unofficial mascot .
3 This , however , has to be seen in conjunction with the recent widespread public rejection of certain types of council housing — new tower blocks and old slum blocks of flats .
4 The idea of individuality and the idea of specificity have to be seen in conjunction with such ideas as the idea of possibility and the idea of unity of biographical time , both of which point to certain experiental modalities .
5 The C.P.V.E. must be seen in conjunction with the whole thrust of Government initiatives in the area of vocational training and in particular of its T.V.E.I. schemes .
6 Writer of television classics such as Rock Follies , Video Stars , and Upline , Howard Schuman who also penned the recently televised Selling Hitler can be seen in conversation with writer Michael Eaton of Fellow Traveller and Shoot To Kill fame .
7 When I began to be seen around camp with a new face , I was subjected to a lot of nudging and winking from those who did n't know the facts , and people came up to me with knowing smiles on their faces , saying , ‘ I see you 've got a new boyfriend !
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