Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , Alastair may also be appearing at this year 's Coca Cola Lisburn Triathlon , which is one of the top local triathlons .
2 We shall be looking at that range in a future issue .
3 If you switch sides , the characters , judging by their eyelines , will no longer appear to be looking at each other .
4 We will be looking at this issue later in the chapter .
5 So some of the things that we 're going to be looking at this morning is ways for you to use , that the people working with you can come up with some new ideas , but you can also use these ways yourself , because sometimes you do n't have the luxury of people to help you with your problem .
6 And there are other policies in the structure plan erm you know we should n't be looking at this policy just in isolation .
7 Apart from the ‘ flying ’ siddhi , the remainder are psychic gifts and we shall be looking at this area in the next two chapters .
8 We shall be looking at this point more closely later , but for the moment it is sufficient to point out that the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost to all believers without distinction fulfilled one further hope of the prophets of old .
9 Well , I think all I can do is to reiterate that this road would not be considered for construction at all at this stage if it was n't for the probable re-siting of the erm transfer station and therefore we would not be looking at any aspect of it at this time if it were not for that .
10 EP : Last time I saw you we felt that we should be looking at some kind of school with weekly boarding .
11 I personally would prefer us to be looking at some way of allowing greater scope for debate at section conferences , and where necessary to have decisions on general issues deferred to Congress for ratification or withdrawal .
12 But I imagine they will be looking at some sort of insurance claim . ’
13 I think er it 's got to be er linked certainly to the rate of inflation , er and in some way linked to the way that the fire service er has their pay formula , and they 're actually linked to 25% of the top 25% of schooled manual workers , er we 'd be looking at some sort of deal like that , or if it was n't er tied up with percentage rates I think we need , definitely need an independent pay review body for the ambulance service .
14 Tomorrow night in the final part of our pre-budget series we 'll be looking at another area which might become subject to VAT , public transport .
15 Potter , thou shouldst be living at this hour .
16 A visit from the coronary nurse at this stage , or from the general practitioner , is extremely useful to reassure the patient about the benign nature of most of these symptoms , but it is also an opportunity to screen for more serious problems which can be developing at this stage , now that activities are increasing , i.e. increasing angina , serious arrhythmias and left ventricular failure .
17 It is this conception of uneven and combined development , in which the whole may be growing at some point in time , but within that overall growth there will be sectors in decline .
18 Would you be panicking at this point ?
19 I told him then that when we came to England we 'd be staying at this hotel .
20 A point in case is the Mini Master homebuilt twin , above , a demonstration model of which should be flying at this year 's Popular Flying Association Rally at Wroughton.The Mini Master is a kit that has attracted a lot of attention in the US because it brings twin engine safety within the reach of the homebuilt market .
21 It 's easy but sneaky ; you ferry a dump of fuel , shielding , a nuke and a missile , load up on fuel and a nuke , fly out and up eight clicks , drop the nuke at the foot of the mountains , power-dive back down to base , load the shielding , fuel to the max with just one missile aboard ( meanwhile the nuke explodes , shaking the ground ; you do n't want to be fuelling at this point ) , then you climb like fuck , get to ceiling and then hover in the air above the rising mushroom cloud !
22 In one year 's time I would be doing At each stage you move backwards through time and ask your unconscious mind to help you see a picture of yourself being highly successful on your way to completion of your objectives .
23 A Friday afternoon class not too prepared to believe that art was the most important thing that they could be doing at that time soon discovered they were wrong .
24 No one knew where he 'd gone ; everyone was worried sick ; and by the look of her , Shirley Brown was worried the sickest : what could a man be doing at this time of night , for heaven 's sake ?
25 What would he be doing at this moment ?
26 What would you be doing at this moment , if I had n't been there ’
27 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
28 No I 've got nothing else to be doing at this moment .
29 Fat Paul still seemed to be reeling at this development .
30 But at 11.20 pm — just as Highlights from Augusta offer relief from a man repeatedly declaring that the second election result may be coming at any minute — Scotland is being indulged with different fare .
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