Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To achieve this we shall be drawing upon the products of archaeologists ' research mostly carried out during the present century .
2 The salesperson 's voice may be competing for the buyers ' attention with the flashing lights and noise of the equipment .
3 Riva 's move into the UK could well be just the vanguard of a friendly invasion of quality draught continental beers which may soon be competing on the bars of UK pubs with our own traditional ales .
4 At Key Biscayne , a week before he expected to be competing in the doubles against Czechoslovakia in their Davis Cup quarter finals , he even started outlining some of the changes he would make should he be given the job .
5 any other financial arrangements contained in the agreement shall not thereby be rendered void or unenforceable and shall , unless they are void or unenforceable for any other reason ( and subject to sections 35 and 36 , below ) be binding on the parties to the agreement .
6 ( 5 ) The turnover rent shall be determined by a qualified accountant ( acting as an expert ) and whose decision shall be final ( except so far as concerns matters of law ) to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales : ( a ) if the tenant fails to supply a certificate in accordance with paragraph 3 above ( in which case the landlord 's costs of the determination and the expert 's fee shall be borne by the tenant ) or ( b ) if there shall be any dispute between the parties as to the calculation of the turnover rent ( in which case the costs of the determination and the expert 's fee shall be borne as the expert directs ) ( 6 ) Until the determination of the turnover rent for any rental year the tenant shall continue to pay rent at the rate payable immediately before the beginning of the rental year in question and upon such determination there shall be due as arrears of rent or as the case may be refunded to the tenant the difference ( if any ) between the rent paid by the tenant for that year and the rent which ought to have been paid by him for that year plus ( if the turnover rent is determined by an expert ) such amount of interest as may be directed by the expert ( 7 ) If the turnover rent for any rental year falls below £ the landlord may by notice in writing served on the tenant not more than one month after the determination of the turnover rent for that year ( time not being of the essence ) require that there be substituted for the basic rent and the turnover rent for that year the amount for which the demised property might reasonably be expected to be let on the open market at the beginning of the year in question for a term equal to the residue of this lease then unexpired and on the same terms as this lease ( save as to rent but on the assumption that the rent may be revised every five years ) there being disregarded the matters set out in section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( as amended ) and in default of agreement the said amount shall be determined by an independent surveyor ( acting as an expert not as an arbitrator ) to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors whose decision shall be final and whose fee shall be borne as he directs Example 4:5 Turnover rent for theatre or cinema based on box office receipts1 ( 1 ) In this schedule : ( a ) " box office receipts " means the gross amount of all moneys payable to the tenant or any group company on the sale of tickets for theatrical cinematic or other performances in the demised property or the right to stage productions or hold conferences or other events ( whether public or private ) in the demised property and any moneys payable on the sale of programmes souvenirs or similar items ; ( i ) treating any sale by credit card as having been a sale in consideration of the net amount recoverable by the tenant from the credit card company ( ii ) treating any amount which the tenant is entitled to receive by way of grant gift or sponsorship as part of the box office receipts and ( iii ) deducting any value added tax payable by the tenant to HM Customs and Excise ( b ) " bar receipts " means the gross amount of all moneys payable to the tenant or any group company for the supply of food and drink in the demised property : ( i ) treating any sale by credit card as having been a sale in consideration of the net amount recoverable by the tenant from the credit card company ( ii ) allowing the tenant a reduction of two per cent for wastage ( 2 ) The rent payable by the tenant shall be the aggregate of : ( a ) £ … per annum ( b ) 5 per cent of the first 60 per cent of the box office receipts for any year ( c ) 10 per cent of the remainder of the box office receipts ( d ) 7.5 per cent of the bar receipts payable annually in arrear on 31 December in each year ( 3 ) The tenant shall pay on account of the rent on 1 January 1 April 1 July and 1 October : ( a ) in the first year of the term £ … by four equal instalments ( b ) in the second and every subsequent year of the term payments at the rate of the rent payable for the last preceding year of the term by four equal instalments and as soon as possible after the end of the second and each subsequent year the amounts payable for that year under paragraph 2 above shall be agreed or otherwise determined and all necessary adjustments ( whether by way further payment by the tenant or credit given by the landlord ) shall be made ( 4 ) The tenant shall : ( a ) keep full and accurate books or records of account ( b ) permit the landlord ( or a person nominated by the landlord ) to inspect the books or records of account ( but not more often than once every three months ) and if so required to provide the books or records in a readily legible form ( 5 ) ( a ) at the end of each year of the term either the landlord or the tenant may require an audit of the tenant 's books and records by an independent auditor ( acting as an expert ) to be appointed ( in default of agreement ) by the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( b ) the auditor shall certify the amount of the box office receipts and the bar receipts for the year in question and his certificate shall be binding on the parties ( except in so far as concerns matters of law ) ( c ) the auditor has power to determine how his costs and the costs of any representations to him shall be borne
7 He acts on his own skill and judgment in reaching his decision , and that decision will be binding on the parties even if it is wrong ( Campbell v Edwards [ 1976 ] 1 All ER 785 ) .
8 The expert 's decision will be binding on the parties even if the error is a legal error and it is clear on the face of the award what the error is ( Jones v Sherwood Computer Services [ 1992 ] 1 WLR 277 ; Nikko Hotels ( UK ) v MEPC [ 1991 ] 2 EGLR 103 ) .
9 6.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party
10 If the wife were to return to her husband , would the contract , as found by the court , still be binding upon the parties ?
11 Maeve would be seeing to the barns , ensuring stock was slaughtered , the meat dried , salted and hung high in the kitchen to smoke , preserving it for the long winter months .
12 I think the worst of all locations would be a , would be one where the new settlement would be catering for the needs of Leeds , if it were were located along the A sixty four corridor , South South South of York .
13 Girlfriend Shirley , a Bangor fan , will be cheering for the Seasiders .
14 Maybe fifty years from now , everybody 'll be laughing at the Impressionists !
15 The mixture of cheap jokes and pretentious philosophising becomes increasingly hard to stomach , however , and there are far too many moments when it is not clear whether you are supposed to be laughing at the characters or taking them seriously .
16 They must be nesting in the rabbit-holes beneath the turf where the tent was pitched , and in the broch , where the queer chemical smell I had noticed came , not from the plants , but from the holes where the birds sat on their eggs .
17 At first the rebels appealed to the sultan , whose authority they claimed to be upholding against the janissaries .
18 At one licensed dealer that used client profile cards , the dealers scribbled fake answers on their cards , time-stamping them at any old time , despite weak threats from their dealing director that he would be checking on the tapes to see that everything was being done properly .
19 The carnival committee will be checking in the competitors at the village hall from 9.30 a.m .
20 The video , Right First Time , will not be appearing in the shops , but is designed to highlight the importance of a team approach to Inroads ' work .
21 It is reasonable to assume that an alarming number of dolphin deaths must be occurring around the coasts of the continent which are as yet unreported .
22 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
23 Immediately her treacherous mind began to fill with images of what would be happening during the silences .
24 But I so need to be walking up the stairs and pushing open the studio door , and seeing him at his bench , looking over his shoulder at me , as if he 's not in the least interested to see who it is .
25 ‘ He might even be walking in the gardens , ’ I thought , ‘ and I could run to him , touch him !
26 It must have been someone from the village , Rose said : who else would be walking in the woods at that hour ?
27 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
28 Many unforeseen dangers may be lurking in the wings .
29 ‘ And , since you obviously assume otherwise , despite my constant reassurances on the subject , I 'd like to take this opportunity of assuring you that none of my liaisons — past or present — will be lurking in the cupboards .
30 Erm conversely that would suggest that erm you know , the one should n't automatically er be looking at the areas of of low l landscape value .
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