Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 5 , 1991 , Secretary of State for Defence King announced that the United States nuclear submarine base at Holy Loch was to be closed and that the US F-111 bombers would be withdrawn from the Upper Heyford and Lakenheath bases [ see also p. 37704 ] .
2 ( 2 ) Soviet forces were to be withdrawn from the former East German territory by the end of 1994 and governed by a separate bilateral treaty [ see below ] .
3 Cash can be withdrawn from the usual Midland Bank , NatWest , and TSB machines .
4 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
5 In an address to the Lithuanian Supreme Council ( parliament ) on Feb. 16 to mark the anniversary of Lithuanian Independence Day in 1918 , President Vytautas Landsbergis made a demand for former Soviet armed forces to be withdrawn from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad oblast ( region ) .
6 Russia had previously insisted that its troops could not be withdrawn from the Baltic states before 1997-99 because of the difficulties of housing returning servicemen .
7 In addition , the legislature was to be altered from the existing bicameral system [ see pp. 38626-27 ] to a unicameral system , whereby the People 's Great Hural was to be directly elected by all citizens over 25 years old .
8 It is not to deny that some culturally elaborated behaviour can usefully be explained from a biological perspective .
9 As reported in the newspaper El Diario of March 21 , 1989 , Samaniego had announced that former President Stroessner and his son , Col. Gustavo Stroessner , both of whom were in exile in Brazil , would be dismissed from the military and that those generals who had supported the previous regime " until the last minute " would be retired , dismissed or tried by military courts .
10 A sound constitution is another requirement , as can be realised from the following passage from Gilchrist Alexander 's The Temple of the Nineties .
11 A man on the run from Crumlin Road prison , Belfast , was ordered to be extradited from the Irish Republic .
12 Several young plants can be formed from a single stem by making a series of wounds at a convenient distance apart and burying each in a prepared hollow in the ground .
13 In Hungary the issue is whether stable governments can be formed from the wide band of parties produced by a complex electoral system .
14 A probability was assigned to any word string that could be formed from the spoken input .
15 Gold was , he remembered , said to be formed from the crystallised light of stars .
16 March 3rd , pure gloom ; ‘ For days I have seen nothing but the most terrible things that can be painted from a human mind . ’
17 This distinction may be justified from a limited epistemological standpoint , it might be said , but it does not really make sense in physical terms .
18 A society in which this right is systematically denied … can not be justified from an ethical point of view … ’
19 In fact , it is probably accurate to understand this as one feature by which the mode of publication previously very characteristic of the English Association , can be differentiated from the professional journalism of the discipline in its newer , more autonomous academic guise .
20 An organic cause ( acute confusional state or brain syndrome ) may be differentiated from an acute functional psychosis by the presence of abnormal neurological signs , particularly clouding of consciousness .
21 Some government statements have come perilously close to saying ‘ we can not afford old people ’ and those who care for old people must not be diverted from a moral stand by economic filibustering .
22 But they had to be humoured before they could be diverted from the unobtainable to the treasure that was actually for sale .
23 Arrowanas do not like fast-flowing water , choosing the quieter backwaters and sheltered reaches in the wild , and therefore the flow has to be diverted from the two Fluvals .
24 For de Gaulle , however sympathetic to modernization in the abstract , there was a point beyond which resources could not be diverted from the immediate needs of his foreign policy in areas such as Germany and Indochina .
25 Threatened people do not perform well — their energies tend to be diverted from the primary task .
26 A few days later , on 8 June , the scheme was approved on two conditions : no unit was to be diverted from the essential defence of the British Isles ; and the new force must make do with a minimum of arms .
27 norways coach egil ‘ drillo ’ olsen today speak up on our international players who are not in their first teams : ‘ come home or be wrecked from the national team ’ ( and thus no USA'94 ) ( this in one of the tabloids over here ) — the players mentioned are
28 An SPR may either be generated by a user entirely within LIFESPAN or be received from an external client in paper form and subsequently transcribed into LIFESPAN .
29 An SPR may either be generated by a user entirely within LIFESPAN ( a Magnetic SPR ) or be received from an external client on a paper form and subsequently transcribed into LIFESPAN ( a Paper SPR ) .
30 For sons , on the other hand , socialization may be more in terms of broader , more stereotypical notions of masculinity such as may be manifested in horseplay at weekends or evenings , rather than in terms of the more specific feature of the father 's role at work , which may often be hidden from the male child .
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