Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The lack of welfare officers , the rarity of home leave , the concept of visits and letter-writing as a privilege which could be withdrawn as a punishment , and the denial of permission to keep family photographs , were all indications of an absence of serious interest in helping to maintain a prisoner 's contacts with the outside world .
2 Gender relations will be highlighted as an area in which external images of the Laz may conceal a much more complex reality .
3 These , and other changes , all contributed to the doubling of productivity within those six years , and he is optimistic that it could be trebled as a result of the fast , electronic and computer assisted information that is now available .
4 It was not a right to be enjoyed as a source of revenue or worldly glory : it was to be guarded as a gift from the past , representing an eternal principle of order .
5 Frederick II himself had argued a few years earlier that ‘ useful hard-working people should be guarded as the apple of one 's eye , and in wartime recruits should be levied in one 's own country only when the bitterest necessity compels ’ .
6 Nervous convulsions have been attributed by some clinicians to toxocariasis , but there is still some disagreement on whether the parasite can be implicated as a cause of these signs .
7 Thus a computer architecture and instruction set can be frozen at a later stage in the design process , and can be altered as a result of any inadequacies or improvements .
8 A hay net can be improvised as a seat belt , especially if there is nothing else ( no seats either ) .
9 Second , the union of two people who have the same biological sex , but one of whom is an operated transsexual with a female gender identity should be recognized as a marriage .
10 It was beyond possibility that he could be recognized as a policeman , yet he had not even been given a coquettish smile .
11 It was hateful to have to be like that , and usually she did not allow herself to think on those lines , but it was there and had to be recognized as a factor .
12 Information retrieval should be recognized as a skill within its own right , though it forms an integral part of wider study skills .
13 What has been seen as an aspect of the Roman catholic intellectual opposition to divorce in Chapter 5 can also be recognized as a feature of the defence of catholic schools too : the opposition contains an interpretation of the moral nature of contemporary society and of what happens to catholics who are not to some degree protected from it .
14 A graduate will be recognized as a licentiate member and will be granted full professional membership after two years ' appropriate management experience .
15 On this approach , a shape can be recognized as a whole without the constituent parts being recognized as such ( a part is represented in a radically different way if it is seen as a Gestalt in its own right ) .
16 If he then writes a monograph about a " tribe " or a " people " or a " social system " and he wants to be recognized as a scientist rather than as an artist , he is under pressure to persuade himself ( and his readers ) that the events which he saw happening before his eyes were " typical " of what might be going on elsewhere in the system .
17 Such consultation was undertaken through a Great Council , from which evolved what was to be recognized as a parlement or Parliament .
18 Third , it pointed to the necessity for critical preventive work to be recognized as a priority .
19 Ageing has to be recognized as a process , a gradual transition , rather than a once-for-all event .
20 To be drunk will be recognized as a symptom not of manliness but of extreme unhappiness , and since only on rare occasion do we want to broadcast the fact of our unhappiness to the world , the lager lout , the whisky soak , the sherry drunk will become a rarer and rarer phenomenon , until finally withering away .
21 In time , Alexander will be recognized as a pioneer worker in establishing the conscious control of the use of the self .
22 He was ambitious to be recognized as a physiologist as successful as his father .
23 These are then sub-divided by sorting the sherds in each group into rim sherds ( from the top of the pot ) , base sherds ( from the bottom of the pot ) , fragments of handles , and body sherds ( sherds from any other part of the pot that can not be recognized as the base , rim or handle ) .
24 In this context knowledge can be understood as the presuppositions shared by members of a social group and as the meanings through which their action and experience are mediated — as a whole it may be recognized as the perspective of the social group .
25 With this , the line element ( 10.49 ) takes the form ( 10.51 ) which may immediately be recognized as the Schwarzschild metric with . ,
26 So the same instruction would , on one model , be executed directly by hard-ware and , on another , be recognized as an extracode and interpreted by a subroutine in the supervisor .
27 We 've also included in there , on item twelve , a net bill item , but does need to be recognized as an addition to your total spending , and that is , you 've been involved for many years with the health authority in arranging for the discharge of people from long-stay hospitals , and their absorption into the community , and each of these are a provider of many services , and daycare services to those particular individuals .
28 One recurring kind of reason against accepting the authority of one person or institution is that there is another person or institution with a better claim to be recognized as an authority .
29 Search at the police station should not be undertaken as a matter of routine but only where justified under Lindley v. Rutter .
30 Personal Interviews will often be on a one to one basis but can also be undertaken as a group exercise .
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