Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [to-vb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now the torrents and viperish fury that fired ‘ Weld ’ have subsided , it looks like a battle that had to be waged to get to the next stage — the calm , healing shores and sanguine odes of ‘ Harvest Moon ’ .
2 A local bureau may be approached to talk to a group of probation officers .
3 It concluded , ‘ On all questions relating to health , housing and education , the Labour Party can be trusted to attend to the interests of the women and the children ’ .
4 Kerrison , for example , claimed that ‘ On all questions relating to health , housing and education , the Labour Party can be trusted to attend to the interests of the women and children ’ .
5 The Council … believes strongly that a first degree course in Educational Studies lasting three years may be designed to lead to an Honours award … the concept of a three-year degree course in Educational Studies , leading to an Honours or an unclassified degree , will be acceptable provided it combines an adequate period of practical experience in the classroom with a requisite minimum of academic studies .
6 The employee 's claim was , however , effectively refused in the British Steel case because such benefits as might be expected to flow to the employer from refinements to the patented product had not ( yet ) materialised .
7 Nursing care is individual to each patient , as the patient should not be expected to conform to a set pattern of treatment .
8 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
9 Mr W Doggart emphasised that tutors would be expected to adhere to the contents of the packs which would become official Institute precept and practice .
10 A left hemisphere advantage for matching by name ( Cohen , 1972 ) would be expected to lead to a RVF superiority on a memory search for letter names .
11 Moreover , a cash supplement to income would also be expected to lead to a fall in work effort .
12 This may be expected to lead to a purposeful action , purposeful inaction or indifference .
13 Butter and margarine are close substitutes , and so any increase in the price of butter would be expected to lead to an increased demand for margarine as consumers substitute the latter for the relatively more expensive butter .
14 On the other hand , the prison population could be substantially reduced without creating a massive crime wave : if the numbers in prison were cut by 40 per cent , this could be expected to lead to an increase in criminal convictions of only 1.6 per cent .
15 In general a failure to serve a committal order in due time would not be expected to lead to the quashing of the sentence of imprisonment .
16 How could Ezpeleta , a soldier-administrator well on in his seventies and now Captain General in Barcelona , be expected to appeal to the unemployed dockers , artisans , and cotton operatives , called by the French commander l'immense canaille de Barcelone , against an overwhelmingly superior French garrison ?
17 ‘ It is my belief that , without an honest money , Soviet citizens can not be expected to respond to the reforms , as they do not have a meaningful incentive , ’ said Mr Angell .
18 As far as this representative model is concerned procedural entitlements are viewed in purely instrumental terms , according to the contribution they may be expected to make to the accuracy of the underlying substantive policy judgments , and since no one has a right to a particular policy outcome , no one has aright either to any particular form of decision-making process .
19 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
20 As a fixed term appointee you will be non-mobile and not normally be expected to transfer to a post outside reasonable daily travelling distance of your home .
21 Equally , the ‘ periphery ’ has an interest in policy making and can be expected to contribute to a feedback process from implementation into policy elaboration .
22 Measures directly towards the amelioration of these conditions might be expected to contribute to the prevention of attempted suicide , although other factors — such as the availability of drugs , cultural attitudes , and the level of services available — might have a more immediate effect .
23 The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to the teaching of a range of postgraduate and undergraduate programmes .
24 This overlap has raised some difficulty about the extent to which a client should be expected to contribute to the cost of the services received .
25 The engineer will be expected to contribute to the technical aspects of the specification and to those points associated with the running and timing of the project .
26 Teachers and other educationalists can not be expected to come to an adequate understanding of recent trends in multicultural and anti-racist education , nor can they develop an independent critical judgement on recent controversies in this area , without some grasp of the deeper structural and ideological issues that underlie the racial dimension in education , politics and the economy .
27 But if the airspace is excluded from the demise , the tenant 's adviser should ensure that the tenant obtains a right to enter the airspace for the purpose of performing his covenants. ( g ) Fences In the case of wooden fences it is likely to be inferred that in the absence of freeboard the owner of land will use his land to the fullest extent ; and the fence will be deemed to belong to the person on whose side the rails and posts are placed , the palings being placed on his neighbour 's side ( Halsbury 's Laws of England , 4th edn , vol 4 , para 849 ) .
28 On July 31 Aquino had announced that former First Lady Imelda Marcos and her children would be permitted to return to the Philippines in order to stand trial on outstanding corruption charges , but that the corpse of the former President would remain banned .
29 During a televised national address on July 20 , Roh announced that his government would open the border at Panmunjom for five days from Aug. 13 and allow unrestricted crossings , although a government spokesman later suggested that the country 's leading dissidents would not be permitted to travel to the North .
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