Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 which established that in the absence of a prohibition in the memorandum , the articles could be altered so as to authorise such an issue .
2 Purchase behaviour will , again , be altered so as to come into line with the customary behaviour of the reference group .
3 Congress alone has the power to decide whether the present laws can or can not be amended so as to carry out more effectively the objects of law .
4 The paragraph should , in my judgment , be amended so as to make clear that what is being sought is an order for steps to be taken restoring all the parties to the respective transactions to their former position .
5 A few borings indicating greater thicknesses might be explained away as going diagonally through detritus on the outer flank of the reef , but there are now too many for one to conclude that the results can be explained in this way .
6 Similarly arable farmer is no doubt to be explained historically as derived from the term arable farm ( in which we see an ascriptive adjective ) by means of an agentive suffix .
7 Thus the pleasures of heroin can be dismissed summarily as counting against , rather than for , the action of taking heroin , if we can say that it is a highly impure pleasure ( liable to lead to much wretchedness later ) .
8 The management of investment needs to be optimised so as to deliver a fully commercial return .
9 After all , how else can alignments of physical objects be calculated so as to lie along propitious meridians , save by reference to more fixed and less mutable properties of the earth ?
10 " A money award can be calculated so as to make good a financial loss " : per Lord Morris in West v Shephard [ 1964 ] AC at p345 .
11 Testing will be revised so as to add less to teachers ' workloads .
12 A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted so as to retain Unionist minority control .
13 The mode of operation can be adjusted so as to produce a high content of aromatic ( benzene-like ) molecules which give the product its characteristically high octane number .
14 How many can be regarded merely as affecting the objects in which the estate is now held to consist ( this is what the words permutatum dominium convey ) ?
15 The reason is that such certificates might be regarded abroad as given after an official check of records .
16 4.4 The Company will place purchase orders with the Supplier for quantities of the Products as and when required , and the Supplier shall accept the same , provided that all such orders will be placed so as to allow to the Supplier at least 90 days for delivery .
17 The letters should be sufficiently large and should be placed so as to cater for patients with poor vision .
18 This , however , does not mean that all the shares , even if of the same nominal value and of the same class , will necessarily be issued at the same price , or that , even if they are , all shareholders will necessarily be treated alike as regards calls for the unpaid part .
19 Resistance does not operate outside power , nor is it necessarily produced oppositionally : it is imbricated within it , the irregular term that consistently disturbs it , rebounds upon it , and which on occasions can be manipulated so as to rupture it altogether :
20 Staff become an asset in which to invest , to be developed so as to help the organisation achieve its aims and objectives .
21 Very simply , the theory behind this is that any product has some characteristic which can be developed so as to make it unique in its class .
22 There was nothing to suggest that that power to sue should be limited so as to exclude the proceedings before the court , save by the nature of the trade union itself , and that did not exclude a claim in respect of a libel ‘ calculated to arouse doubts and suspicions in the minds of members [ of the union itself ] , and so to destroy the cohesion and will to act of the union : ’ per Scott L.J .
23 Lawrence J stated at p601 , " I am unable to see how the word " indirectly " " can be limited so as to exclude the settlements which are made through the inter-position of a company . "
24 The data in Table 7 can be rearranged so as to rank universities in order of the proportion of Scottish theses to theses as a whole , and develop what might be called a ‘ Parochiality Index ’ .
25 Aircraft maintenance function would be considered today as having five generations of development , as follows ( see Fig. 5 ) :
26 Hence it would be necessary to draft a new housing repair code in terms specific enough to be clearly understandable … but also containing a wide enough range of topics to be considered so as to ensure that the law is sufficiently flexible to cover the greatest number of housing repair problems …
27 It can then be located so as to provide convenient armchair control .
28 The debate can be summarized roughly as follows .
29 Firstly , the 1971 and 1976 directives need to be modified so as to deal with certain procedural weaknesses and to close the loopholes which member states have exploited .
30 The words used will be interpreted according to the so-called " golden rule " : they will be given their ordinary grammatical and literal meaning unless that produces absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy , when the literal meaning can be modified so as to avoid that absurdity , inconsistency or repugnancy .
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