Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 30 Rd6||c5||31 Rf3||Ra7|| 32 Re6+||Kf7||33 Re7+||Kg8|| 34 Rg3||Resigns Mate by Bh6+ can be delayed only at ruinous cost .
2 There are some balloons available to be given away at suitable events ( not for sale ) — let me know if you are participating in any public event and would like some .
3 If there is a change of harmonic outlook in a piece , I prefer to feel , rather than to know whether it might arrive as a surprise , whether it should be prepared and how , and whether it ought to be pointed out at all !
4 Er , scrap timber can be stacked up at one side , and used as firewood .
5 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
6 First we should ask whether it is necessary to popular participation that all should be gathered together at one time in one place .
7 The noise of the crowd surrounding it could be heard even at this distance .
8 Their noise could be heard even at this distance , and a hint of the smell drifted down the wind .
9 She was advised that formal evidence would have to be called in order for her to form an opinion under section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 as to whether the defendant should be remanded in custody or on bail on the same or more stringent conditions , and that accordingly the hearing would in effect be a trial and would require to be heard before at least two justices .
10 And that er explosive charge could be heard sometimes at thirty miles away .
11 When the patterns of magnetic anomalies across mid-oceanic ridges were mapped out it was noticed that in several cases the parallel bands of similarly magnetized crust were broken by numerous offsets or displacements which seemed to be aligned approximately at right angles to the axis of the ridge .
12 Whenever I hear a man being witty or sensible or kindly or civilized I think : the qualities which now seem so much a part of this man could be stripped away at any time , and there would be left just a man who suffered and who fought with his suffering like an animal .
13 Various authors can be placed notionally at different points on the spectrum depending on how closely their accounts of law approach the ideal models of positivism or natural law .
14 However , since management courses tend to concentrate on basic tasks and procedures , there is a risk that the much larger matters signalled here will be treated rudimentarily at best .
15 A fill can be dropped in at any time while the pattern is playing .
16 A fill can be dropped in at any time while the pattern is playing .
17 The Government can not be unaware that women are frightened to travel alone at night in isolated places , to wait in bus depots where no staff are present , or to be dropped off at bus-rail links at isolated railway stations where there is no one to guard them against possible danger .
18 The completed interview question forms together with answers to the individual questions arising from candidates ' application forms/ c.v.s can be perused afterwards at comparative leisure .
19 An accompanying booklet gives advice on timber selection , and how timber can be harvested locally at minimal cost .
20 It appeared to be targeted particularly at black marketeers and speculators hoarding goods to create artificial shortages .
21 On the one hand , the memorandum of association must qualify the company 's ability to provide surveying services , to the effect that such business must be carried on at all times in accordance with the Rules of Conduct for the time being of the RICS .
22 , Renewal lung function tests are to be carried out at regular intervals .
23 The job of inspecting foster homes , which was supposed to be carried out at frequent intervals , was shared between the national office , regional committees and the provincial committees .
24 This will be carried out at primary storage speeds , but will still take time , often due to lost device revolutions .
25 The National Trust and the Trustees of Waddesdon Manor had come to the decision that it would be in the best interest of the house for as much work as possible to be carried out at one time , and the range of the repairs is such that the house can not be reopened until April 1993 .
26 Research can be carried out at all sorts of levels ; we could restrict ourselves simply to reading everything we can find and produce a piece of work which was wholly based on documentary sources and which did not involve us in attending any baptisms or asking anyone involved any questions .
27 With the insertion of implants it could be carried out at any age , but the sensible option would be prophylactic mastectomy either at the completion of her family or at the menopause . ’
28 It can be carried out at any time when you feel the need , for example , when you are near anybody with a cold or ‘ flu ; when you are experiencing any form of fear ; when others are indulging in negative emotions ; in noisy surroundings ; first thing in the morning and last thing at night ; after meditating or giving intuitive aromatherapy massage .
29 They operate in basically the same way , but VITC coding has to be recorded onto the tape ( of course without being visible in the picture ) , at the time of shooting or while being copied onto a second tape ; RCTC coding on the other hand can be carried out at any stage of the editing process , and so is the more flexible of the two systems .
30 It defines the project timescales and priority to enable individual workloads within the group to be planned through DOPACS , and it also important n needed-by dates , the milestones , within the project , which again through DOPACS enables checks on the physical and financial progress to be carried out at any time .
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