Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Italian showman ( left ) will be roared on this weekend by a huge home crowd in the northern Italian resort as he launches his defence of the giant slalom and slalom titles he won with ease last year .
2 Otherwise stock may be withdrawn to many areas without proper records being kept .
3 However , he refused to attach too much importance to these since they could be withdrawn at any time unless they were passed into law .
4 They earn interest in dinars , calculated at the current exchange rate , and the principal can normally be withdrawn at any time in the given foreign currency .
5 The Pathfinder Force should be on a different basis and these should consist of 45 sorties , but crews could be withdrawn at any time after the completion of 30 sorties .
6 Although the rates on GIBs do tend to lag behind general market rates , fast action is often necessary to take advantage of opportunities — when interest rates fall , issues can be withdrawn without any notice , and replaced by a new issue offering a much lower return .
7 Unusual terms may need to be given special prominence , or be highlighted in some way , otherwise they may not be incorporated in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
8 Three related ailments can be diagnosed for these failings .
9 That Germany had also provided a comprehensive state insurance for sickness , accident , disability and unemployment for its people from an early date was thought by some to be implicated in that country 's economic success .
10 The conference in 1968 on the transmission of schizophrenia , reported by Rosenthal and Kety , brought together researchers from each camp , and is probably the time at which all sides came to agree that both genetic and environmental factors must be implicated in some way .
11 As was the case with others alleged to be implicated in this affair he left the colony , and has not yet returned , notwithstanding strenuous efforts on the part of the prosecuting authorities .
12 An alternative hypothesis , which has considerable intuitive plausibility , needs to be refuted before this assumption can be justified .
13 The typeface , size and style are set before the text is flowed , as are the margins but any or all of these can be altered at any stage .
14 The central ‘ pitch ’ should not , however , be altered in any way .
15 This derives from the long established principle that the risk to which a guarantor is exposed can not be altered in any material way without his prior consent .
16 Would his ‘ status ’ be altered in some way by this new scene , perhaps simply by the change itself ?
17 Could the organization be altered in some way to avoid the need to recruit , yet still obtain the same on the job results ?
18 To be recognized for some achievement in life lifted Dad immensely ; before Eva he had begun to see himself as a failure and his life as a dismal thing .
19 This then is a brief résuméof the problems which must be recognized by any indexer and for which the index must allow .
20 This is a fact that must be recognized by any teacher or any school who thinks seriously of embarking on graded tests as a means of supplementing , and perhaps ultimately supplanting , GCSE and A level examinations .
21 The court may allow a request for a warrant of execution to be amended at any time to show the debtor 's amended address or place of levy ( Ord 15 , r 1(1) ( a ) ) .
22 An existing certificate may be amended for this purpose .
23 The language of the original , or oddities of spelling or punctuation , can be amended to some degree — an important consideration when using such material with primary school pupils or pupils with learning difficulties .
24 I hope that I did not give the impression that a Bill could be amended in any way at all as that is not so .
25 Thus he seems to be arguing from within a position which holds that aggression is an innate attribute of sufficient strength that it needs to be redirected in some way for it not to manifest itself in interhuman relations .
26 People 's natural prejudices may be aroused by this prospect alone , sufficiently for the idea to be rejected , but it must be made clear why EMU is undesirable for Britain and for Europe .
27 Although it is not clear that subjective risk can be biased in this way theories of driving which stress a schematic or conceptual representation of the environment ( e.g. Dubois , 1991 ; Fleury , Mazet & Dubois , 1988 ; Groeger , 1988 , 1989 ; Riemersma , 1988 ) might suggest that biases in the perception of the environment would indirectly lead to biases in subjective risk , either because risk is an important aspect of such schemata or because subjective risk would result from the inconsistency between the environment and pre-existing schemata .
28 High-speed , hood-down progress is only to be undertaken with all windows up as otherwise the wind whips round the side and into the cabin .
29 Very low-calorie diets need to be undertaken with some kind of supervision , and are usually best suited to anyone with more than two stones to lose .
30 Walks on the beach also need to be undertaken with more caution if the tides are unknown .
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