Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These dogs look happy enough , but they could be riddled with canine complexes .
2 I knew I 'd see the facades of Nabataean temples chiselled into the rock and that the cliff-walls would be riddled with empty tombs .
3 The Italian showman ( left ) will be roared on this weekend by a huge home crowd in the northern Italian resort as he launches his defence of the giant slalom and slalom titles he won with ease last year .
4 Last night 400 bikers were drifting away from Pier Head to other ports after being told extra boats would be chartered from alternative ports today .
5 This also means that it is not possible to compare the dissociation from isolated GC sites with that from clusters of such sites which may be stabilised by cooperative interaction .
6 It can be blended with other fibres too .
7 A total of 500 tonnes of HEU will be blended into 15,000 tonnes of fuel , which makes the deal worth $12 billion .
8 Otherwise stock may be withdrawn to many areas without proper records being kept .
9 However , he refused to attach too much importance to these since they could be withdrawn at any time unless they were passed into law .
10 They earn interest in dinars , calculated at the current exchange rate , and the principal can normally be withdrawn at any time in the given foreign currency .
11 The Pathfinder Force should be on a different basis and these should consist of 45 sorties , but crews could be withdrawn at any time after the completion of 30 sorties .
12 Although the rates on GIBs do tend to lag behind general market rates , fast action is often necessary to take advantage of opportunities — when interest rates fall , issues can be withdrawn without any notice , and replaced by a new issue offering a much lower return .
13 New evidence of ozone layer thinning in the Northern Hemisphere has spurred governments to tighten still further their timetables for CFCs to be withdrawn from industrial use .
14 Kleymenov , deputy head of General Headquarters of the Soviet Armed Forces in Ulan Bator , ended with an agreement in early March that all remaining Soviet troops would be withdrawn from Mongolian soil ; the operation would begin in 1991 and be completed by 1992 .
15 Government subsidies would be withdrawn from loss-making parastatals , which would have to become self-financing .
16 Counsel may be briefed with the approval of the Area Director ; assistance may be withdrawn in certain circumstances ; costs may be awarded out of the legal aid fund to an unassisted party ; the statutory charge operates subject to specified exceptions .
17 It was felt that this would enable more rail services to be withdrawn in rural areas without ‘ undue hardship ’ ( an ill-defined term ) being caused to the communities currently served by rail .
18 All American forces would be withdrawn by 30 June 1949 .
19 Although Aquino insisted that the plan had the support of at least 15 members of the 23-strong Senate , the Senate President and key opponent of a continued US presence , Jovito Salonga , remained suspicious of the plan , characterizing it as vague and ill-defined and insisting that all combat troops had to be withdrawn within one year .
20 It was also agreed that Zimbabwean troops guarding the two strategic corridors across the country be withdrawn within one month .
21 Attendance allowances will be withdrawn after four weeks .
22 Ideally the MIS should be operated on the basis of ‘ management by exception ’ , ie it should enable managers to delegate confidently in the sure knowledge that significant variances in actual performance compared with standard performance will be highlighted in timely fashion by the system .
23 Unusual terms may need to be given special prominence , or be highlighted in some way , otherwise they may not be incorporated in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
24 To account for them by subsidence , it must be assumed that preglacial subsidence was so slow that any breaches could be healed by new coral growth , while the Post-glacial rise of sea level was so rapid that any breaches formed could not be filled .
25 And now , even if the Muscovite hierarchy felt Ukrainian methods to be tinged with Latin heresy , they could no longer ignore the issues raised .
26 A much more specific fear was that young people would be provoked into imitative crime by the daring exploits witnessed on the screen , and the National Council of Public Morals addressed itself with particular vigour to the belief ‘ that the picture house is responsible for the increase in juvenile crime , and that boys are often led to imitate crimes ( larceny or burglary ) which they have seen in the pictures , or to steal money that they may pay for admission , .
27 Three related ailments can be diagnosed for these failings .
28 However , should the house burn to the ground and the lump finally be diagnosed as malignant cancer , the role for behavioural coping strategies is clearly reduced .
29 That Germany had also provided a comprehensive state insurance for sickness , accident , disability and unemployment for its people from an early date was thought by some to be implicated in that country 's economic success .
30 There is some evidence that particular characteristics of events are more likely to be implicated in one disorder than another .
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