Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
2 Acyclovir may be given on a long term basis to people with HIV who have had an attack of shingles , or have frequent attacks of herpes simplex .
3 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
4 The free Trade Agreement will do the trick … a situation in which the old-fashioned Unionist intransigence which served Britain so well in the past will also be outdated as no longer so convenient to imperialism .
5 And this states erm that Its effectiveness erm must be must be considered as a long term rather than a short term objective .
6 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
7 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
8 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
9 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
10 For a start , it allows spreading to be carried over a longer period during the winter months ( Table 1 ) .
11 Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum .
12 Historians will be occupied for a long time to come in determining the exact balance and interaction of forces — including , to mention only the more obvious , the economic disaster of the Second World War , the rise of America , and the development of nationalism — which contributed to Britain 's imperial demise .
13 Luke , she knew , would be occupied for a long time yet , drinking coffee with the other women , talking over the day , helping to cement working relationships for the future .
14 Basilican churches continued to be built for a long time but many variations of form developed , with one dominant theme : a dome , or domes over an open space below .
15 Well , people who stake their opposition to factory-farming on this kind of consideration should be prepared for a long , heated debate , with one set of ‘ experts ’ declaring that thus-and-so is true , while another declares that it is not .
16 As your child puts together the 50 chunky pieces , each new bit of the picture will encourage him to talk to you about what he sees — be prepared for a long conversation !
17 They also may not be prepared for a long walk to a phone .
18 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
19 This increase , however , needs to be seen in a longer time-scale .
20 The main changes will be seen in the long run when you look back , so it is sometimes useful to have photographs taken of yourself just before , and just after , your course of lessons .
21 Its site , significantly , is visualized as private ; there are no buildings to be seen in the long perspective to the viewer 's right .
22 One of the big disadvantages of crewing a cutter is that much of our revenue work has to be done after a long hard day 's passage between ports when often one only feels like flopping down on one 's bunk .
23 Fuller justice to these topics , as well as the ape language experiments and various glottogonic theories , is to be done in a longer study . )
24 We were much pressed in argument with submissions that , although fraudulent conduct has become a serious social evil , there are other evils just as grave , or even graver , which have not attracted any special powers ; that if the reason for giving exceptional powers to the Serious Fraud Office is that many frauds involve complicated transactions which are difficult to unravel , then the same could be said of the long and complex trials ( for instance , arising from charges of affray , or of the importation and supply of prohibited drugs ) to which no such powers have been applied ; and that , moreover , the powers of the Office are made available even where the transactions in question are not complicated , since the Act applies to ‘ serious or complex fraud ’ — not ‘ serious and complex fraud . ’
25 Although Wilson was undoubtedly sympathetic to the WEA he left East Suffolk on appointment as Secretary for Education in Shropshire and was succeeded by Leslie Missen who , at that time , knew little about the WEA and the discussions with the LEA had to be framed within a longer time-scale than Jacques had originally planned .
26 However , since only the continued path from naming can be matched to a long word , the path from name is discontinued ( without storing the short word he on the word graph ) .
27 If there are several competing paths , only those paths that can be matched to long words are continued , and a short word will only be retrieved from the buffer if none of the possible paths can be matched to a long word .
28 For example , the mixed representation of a brief account , , will be parsed into agree the count , because the first four phonemes can be matched to the long word agree and because there is a possible parsing into words of the remaining phonemes .
29 A superb outing of this kind can be had on the long Nantlle ridge — comprising six miles and six mountains of excellent high-level walking .
30 A behavioural response is strengthened when it has an increased probability of occurring ( frequency ) or when it is likely to be performed for a longer period of time ( duration ) .
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