Example sentences of "[be] [adv] the same [subord] " in BNC.

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1 In short , nothing that is in the process of development or change , strictly speaking , can be claimed to be numerically the same as long as this process lasts , for existents are individuated only by their full life-cycles .
2 When , it is possible for the horizontal concentration variations to be effectively the same as the vertical ones whilst horizontal temperature variations are much reduced from the vertical .
3 However , the form of section 2(2) means that with regard to liability for animals not belonging to a dangerous species the position will be fundamentally the same as at common law , since the damage must be of a kind made likely by the characteristics known to the keeper .
4 This turns out to be much the same as looking at ratios of odds , but avoids cumbersome multiplicative arithmetic .
5 Either the tumour in my lung had grown in the last three and a half weeks , in which case it must be even more in evidence , or it had stood still , in which case today 's X-rays must be much the same as the previous ones , or it had diminished .
6 Where , the environment trust , since our initial meeting have spoken er , both with Essex County Council and community groups in the area and have made substantial progress erm on the idea of er , using some of the land to the rear of er , the existing Franklyns block er , so they do want to come back with some wider proposals for a larger scheme which will be much the same as regards the Franklyns block but will include nine er , additional homes erm , and they will be two three bed houses and seven er , two bedroom houses .
7 And , in all probability , your tug will be much the same as theirs .
8 Their motive would be much the same as that of an English sportsman who visited Africa to shoot a lion and , like him , they preferred to take their quarry unawares .
9 Thankfully , US standards seem to be much the same as ours , so there 's no problem there .
10 Temperatures will be much the same as last night — five celsius , forty one fahrenheit , but it 'll feel chillier in a brisk southeasterly breeze .
11 I expect it will be much the same as last year . ’
12 The House of Lords was , no doubt , influenced by the fact that the effects of a decision can be exactly the same whether or not it is made in exercise of a statutory power .
13 And over the whole six-year period 1979-85 the average growth of M3 was 13 per cent , which happens to be exactly the same as it was between 1965 and 1973 , the period analysed by William Rees-Mogg in his famous article in The Times ( 13 June 1976 ) , ‘ How a 9.4 per cent excess money supply gave Britain 9.4 per cent inflation ’ , which denounced the conduct of economic policy in the early Seventies .
14 The results will be exactly the same as if you sowed carefully in drill : a total of five seedlings will come up — four on the same square inch and the fifth in the crack on the path !
15 The great agricultural countries between the Baltic and the Black Sea can free themselves from patriarchal-feudal barbarism only through an agrarian revolution which will transform the peasants from their condition of serfdom or of subjection to the corvée into the free owners of the land — a revolution which will be exactly the same as the French revolution of 1789 in the countryside .
16 Since the notes in the key of G major are exactly the same as those in the key of E minor ( the ‘ relative minor ’ of G major ) the chords found in E minor will be exactly the same as those found in G major .
17 Hodge argues therefore that women 's epistemological position can not be exactly the same as men 's .
18 The limestone seems to be exactly the same as that at the head of the pass , so the seas in which it was laid down must surely have been very similar to those that produced fossiliferous rocks .
19 It is likely that the Scottish experience will be exactly the same as that in England .
20 It is likely that the Scottish experience will be exactly the same as that in England .
21 If these apply and if , for example , the loans are redeemed using equal annual instalments of principal , then the revenue charge will be exactly the same as if an asset was depreciated using straight-line depreciation and any loan repayments were merely balance sheet transfers .
22 It would be exactly the same as before : they would be good in bed — at least , for a while — but hopeless at living with each other .
23 Now it it just possible and I will explain in a moment why , that the necessity to avoid the greenbelt may not be exactly the same as being beyond the outer boundary of the York greenbelt .
24 One , that it will be exactly the same as every other .
25 The wording will be exactly the same as the one before , Madam Chairman , but with the right plan numbers .
26 Again , which will be exactly the same as I A P two classes in doing the age whilst the other class is not , there they 'll be doing personal statements
27 Yes , so any words here that that look unpronounceable , turn out when you say them , to be modern , to be exactly the same as modern words , except that of course , you do n't have an f ending , as you know .
28 So he can have like four pints but it 'll be exactly the same as us having eight .
29 The alternative is to try to hang on , for as long as we can , to a form of athletic competition in which the participants at least claim to be just the same as the rest of us , only better-built by nature .
30 If they work also as weekly credit callers giving cash loans to the same customers who buy goods from them , their rates for money loans may be just the same as their rates for credit on goods .
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