Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [to-vb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If he is unable to breathe spontaneously it would be cruel to subject him to positive pressure ventilation to prolong his life artificially .
2 Even granting the absurdity of Hitler 's racialist theories , it would be possible to credit him with realistic goals ( to exploit a political scapegoat , to depopulate Eastern Europe for resettlement ) for which he could massacre Jews and Slavs in as full awareness as theirs when they flee or fight .
3 Nor would it be possible to refer him to any works of literature ( before the present one ) from which he could gain enlightenment .
4 It might even be possible to scare him into silence , although when he was brought to Owen 's office in the early hours of the morning that did not seem very likely .
5 In order to damp down monarchist hopes that it might now be possible to pressure him into resigning , Franco wrote to Don Juan on 2 December 1954 , telling him that power would not be transferred in Franco 's lifetime and that his successor would be bound by the guiding principles of the regime set up in 1939 .
6 But no matter what path an observer followed , it would not be possible to provide him with stained-glass cinema .
7 If he put up a scheme , you would be willing to follow him to the ends of the earth to ensure its fulfilment .
8 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
9 While we have examined Oakeshott as a conservative thinker therefore we must be careful to distinguish him from the religious conservatism of Burke and from the mainstream forms of conservatism which Huntington identified in the aristocratic and situational theories as ideological defences of the ancien régime or of established institutions .
10 The trouble is that there are so many ways of continuing , so many alternatives and possibilities , that it would be wrong to advise him by saying that one procedure is better than another .
11 By nature , and before he went to Ireland , whose problems affected the characters and ruined the careers of many another English administrator before and since , Jeremy Taylor was a very humane man , and it may be appropriate to leave him by quoting a story which was his conclusion to The Liberty of Prophesying :
12 For years she has been complaining ‘ I never see anything of you , darling ’ and ‘ Why ca n't you spend a little more time with the family ? ’ — so naturally he expects her to be delighted to have him at home .
13 If you ask me , he 's got some damn notion in his head that it will be hard to rid him of . ’
14 As for Mr Gorbachev himself , he is desperate for the party to stay in one piece because he knows that , once on their own , neither hardliners nor reformers would be likely to want him as their leader .
15 ‘ I ca n't remember riding for Jonjo before , but it would be great to get him off the mark and this horse certainly has a bit of a chance , ’ smiled Willie who is closing fast on another century .
16 We do n't know what he 's like yet — would n't it be better to ask him for an odd Sunday first before we let ourselves in for a course of sermons ? ’
17 If he forgot it , some well-meaning or malicious busybody would be sure to remind him of it .
18 Aubrey was probably right — she just wanted to be able to number him among her many admirers .
19 I knew I needed the disguise because I would be able to surprise him by two hours at the most .
20 And we would never be able to surprise him by two hours at the most .
21 ‘ I might be able to see him for lunch in half an hour . ’
22 ‘ No doubt the rest of you will be able to see him in action next week , on Parents ’ Evening , ’ proceeded Mr Crumwallis , smoothly bland .
23 ‘ We should be able to track him for about half a mile , but with all these buildings we 'll be lucky to get two hundred yards .
24 — You might be able to reach him with that ! ’
25 Your son 's teacher should be able to refer him to an educational psychologist who 'll try to find out why he acts as he does , and how he can be helped .
26 But if the valuer is negligent and you buy the property relying on his report , you may still be able to sue him for damages .
27 If he himself has not paid for them then the person who sold him the goods will be able to sue him for the price but will have lost any chance of recovering the goods .
28 However , I do not believe that I will be able to disabuse him of his beliefs .
29 It would mean returning to Wellington with a broken heart , and despite their short acquaintance she already knew it would be a long time before she would be able to evict him from her thoughts .
30 If we are quick , we may be able to stop him from desecrating the site . ’
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