Example sentences of "[be] [verb] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For more on how these roles can be blended into a successful group , see Groups on page 77 and Teams on page 161 .
2 The trouble with nuclear power is that its ‘ costs ’ always have the potential to go well beyond the point where they can be factored into an environmental bill .
3 Well away from the motorway now , each new place quickly gave way to further forest and , just as Jenna was beginning to be lulled into a strange peace by the dappled sunlight of the place , the soothing green of nature , the car turned on to a narrow road and began to climb steadily .
4 He laid aside his paper and allowed himself to be lulled into a rhythmical vacuity by the swaying of the ambulance .
5 ‘ If they are not accurate , drivers can be lulled into a false sense of security .
6 Just because Ben Nevis is a popular peak do n't be lulled into a false sense of security — it 's a peak worthy of respect and in snow and mist should only be tackled by experienced walkers .
7 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
8 Had she allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security ?
9 Something was wrong ; she should have listened to her instincts , not allowed herself to be lulled into a false security by the normal appearance of the flat .
10 Any such takeover policy must deal in a coherent manner with three essential legal issues , which must be formed into a consistent and effective system to have the necessary business objectives .
11 CARL Llewellyn will be tucking into a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs before he sets out to win Saturday 's Hennessy Gold Gold Cup on Captain Dibble .
12 His friend Max Jacob was just about to be received into the Catholic church when he became entangled in the affairs of Modi and Beatrice .
13 In the parable of the unjust steward , our Lord applauds the cleverness , astuteness and prudence of the unjust steward and in conclusion addresses his listeners , ‘ Use your worldly wealth to win friends for yourselves so that when money is a thing of the past you may be received into an eternal home ’ ( Luke 16:9 ) .
14 In a few hours I would be flown into a different culture , a different climate , with different people .
15 Let it be supposed that according to the usual methods of borrowing and funding , the Public Debts , during the present war , should encrease to no greater degree than they did in the last war ; which was about 30 millions : And let it be supposed , according to past experience , that in ten or twelve years after a peace ; we should be plunged into a fresh war ; which might encrease the debts of the nation 30 millions more , and that afterwards we should have another breathing time of ten or twelve years , and that according to custom a third war should ensue , no less expensive than each of the former two ; these three wars will swell the national debts to the amount of 170 millions , and that in little more than fifty years .
16 If the Empire was to be welded into an economic unit , the parts of which would be interdependent economically because they were parts of the Empire , and if this unity was to stand in default or in anticipation of political unity , then what was necessary was Imperial free trade , a genuine Zollverein .
17 It may relate to a packaging problem in which a fixed number of unrelated items have to be pressed into the smallest volume .
18 In his attempt to construct a model of the molecule , given the valencies of these two elements , there was no obvious way that the twelve atoms could be arranged into a conventional chain , and he had been wrestling with the problem for quite some time .
19 As I have pointed out already , desktop publishing software does n't really do very much on its own , it requires the output from a number of other packages ; word processors , graphics programs , data bases and spreadsheets , to produce the raw information which can then be manipulated into a final form .
20 Similarly , immense skill and sensitivity are required on the part of the teacher , if very young children 's natural enthusiasms for story structures and role-play are to be developed into a full and active engagement with a constantly expanding range of texts or literary genres .
21 At a later stage — initially set for March 1981 — it was to be developed into a full European Monetary Fund .
22 This could be construed as a tailor-made curriculum , which can not be developed into a generic or core curriculum .
23 The stables , owned by Darlington man Cliff Forster , are set to be developed into a top class riding centre .
24 Some 40 acres of the 147 acre park is to be developed into the new Lego World , a blend of education , entertainment , fantasy and child-sized reality .
25 Suggesting how Britain 's future military strategy might be developed into the twenty-first century is the main purpose of this book on post-imperial Defence policy .
26 Most local authorities insist on separate systems to reduce the volume intake at sewage works , since rainwater can be discharged into the nearest watercourse without treatment .
27 It is unusual to find a large deposit containing pottery the whole of which can be grouped into a narrow date bracket , and the most obvious examples on occupation sites are caused by the destruction of a building which has pottery in it , in store or in use at the time .
28 This regards driving as a combination of skills which can be grouped into a three level hierarchy .
29 — The principal muscles of a typical abdominal segment may be grouped into the following series , simplified and altered somewhat from Snodgrass ( 1935 ) .
30 Parents agonising over names for their children might consider the pitfalls of choosing a unisex name such as Lesley/Leslie , Beverley or Vivian , or whether a name can be shortened into an undesirable nickname .
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