Example sentences of "[be] [verb] from a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not to deny that some culturally elaborated behaviour can usefully be explained from a biological perspective .
2 Several young plants can be formed from a single stem by making a series of wounds at a convenient distance apart and burying each in a prepared hollow in the ground .
3 March 3rd , pure gloom ; ‘ For days I have seen nothing but the most terrible things that can be painted from a human mind . ’
4 This distinction may be justified from a limited epistemological standpoint , it might be said , but it does not really make sense in physical terms .
5 Some government statements have come perilously close to saying ‘ we can not afford old people ’ and those who care for old people must not be diverted from a moral stand by economic filibustering .
6 If some departure from the optimal velocity profile can be tolerated , the potentially high costs of additional store can be reduced in two ways : ( a ) the acceleration delay values can be used , in reverse order , for deceleration , ( b ) an approximate recursion formula may be devised , so that each delay value can be calculated from a limited number of previous values .
7 The advantage of the former is that standardized information can be gathered from a large population , although there is always the problem of those who do not respond and how far the characteristics and opinions of such people match the general population .
8 Consents to pollute come in the form of emission or effluent standards which prescribe the temperature , amount , and kind of polluting matter which may be discharged from a particular source .
9 Whilst this is an effective treatment , there are certain comments that must be considered from a scientific viewpoint :
10 New products were to be introduced with new plants to be located from a short list of low cost countries : namely Spain , Austria , France , Portugal and the United Kingdom .
11 A fox earth can be located from a considerable distance downwind by the pungent smell given off .
12 And even then the poor moribund critters had to be dropped from a great height to get a satisfactory thump for the sound track .
13 None of the three bombs exploded because the Argentinians were using World War Two propeller bombs which need to be dropped from a great height to detonate .
14 The electrons may be emitted from a hot cathode maintained at a fixed temperature and then conducted through a stable arrangement of electric and magnetic fields which imparts to them a certain amount of energy and focusses them in a particular region of space .
15 The emission standards strategy specifies the maximum amount or concentration of a pollutant which is allowed to be emitted from a given source .
16 The question of the dislocation in the literary evidence for the fifth century can be approached from a different angle .
17 The theme will be approached from a Latin American perspective , and representatives from some of the region 's many indigenous groups have been invited to lead one of the sessions .
18 The ‘ rule of thirds ’ has been treated as the standard method of division , but other arrangements were sometimes made which might reflect the contractor 's view of the likely profits to be won from a particular campaign .
19 If nothing else , it gives an indication of the performance to be expected from a well-maintained battery .
20 But it was precisely the kind of initiative which could be expected from a small , isolated and frustrated group of political activists .
21 The advocates of massive aid hint at all sorts of threats facing us if we do not hurry to the rescue , but are the dangers from a collapsing state greater than what could be expected from a revitalised Russia ?
22 In general , it seems sensible to suggest that any discretion will be exercised so as to improve regulators ' utility ( along the lines of what would be expected from a managerial utility maximization model like Williamson 's , 1963 ) .
23 The court would be unwilling or unable to determine what speed would be expected from a competent getaway driver .
24 ‘ Development ’ is also defined as meaning ‘ physical , intellectual , emotional , social or behavioural development ’ and , where the question whether harm suffered by a child is significant turns on the child 's health or development , his health or development shall be compared with that which could reasonably be expected from a similar child .
25 Like the army officers , the writer attempted to justify the recruitment practices of the Guards , and , as might be expected from a serious organ of right-wing opinion , more ingenuity was shown in the search for justificatory reasons than was by the lower-ranking quoted officers .
26 What all the " finishing " processes had in common , apart from a degree of exertion greater than was needed for hand-setting but not necessarily greater than could be expected from a normal young woman , was that these were tasks an apprentice learned only towards the end of his time .
27 The obvious reluctance of many in the rural sector to seek work in the industrial sector , even on a temporary basis , points to an inclination to stay put far beyond what might be expected from a natural conservatism and apprehension of the unknown .
28 They show the consistency that is to be expected from a ten-year rolling programme .
29 However , even that was partly to maintain cover since it was the sort of questioning to be expected from a shady jeweller .
30 This has been recognised for some time , perhaps most articulately in France , as one of the attainments to be expected from a top-class academic teacher and researcher , with an outstanding ability in accurate communication with the men ( and women ) in the street : haute popularisation .
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